Of Unicorns and Eunuchorns

As most of our many faithful readers know, one of the major reasons for the vast popularity enjoyed by Veritaspac is our sunny outlook.


As readers have come to appreciate, your humble editors are dedicated to reviewing and evaluating a huge volume of news each day and however bleak the outlook most of the day’s events may produce, to assiduously search out the silver lining to be found.

Here is our choice for today’s great and good news:

The story which has captured a lot of attention over the last several months has to do with the so-called “Trump Dossier”, a piece of ‘reportage’ which needs no elaboration. Suffice to say, as anyone who has not recently emerged from the last year in a Brazilian rainforest knows, the story involved a Moscow hotel, a couple of ‘ladies of the night’ and actions not usually discussed in public.

The silver lining in this tiresome retelling of this story is that, perhaps at long last, civilized discourse will be done with that annoying, wildly overused little observation that “you can’t make this stuff up”!

Of course you can! There are highly paid ‘journalists’ and fake spies who, as this incident notes, make stuff up all the time.

There! That’s some good news of the day. Aren’t you glad you tuned in?  But there’s more!

BREAKING: Congress votes against ban on U.S. military funding of ‘sex change’ surgeries 

Twenty Republicans voted with Democrats to narrowly defeat Missouri Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler’s amendment to deny the Pentagon taxpayer funds for transsexual “sex reassignment surgeries”

We will try to get the list of the 20

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