Fed up with Republican congressional leadership

Three fed-up conservative organizations wail on McConnell and Congress (see below, set forth in their entirety).  They do so for good reason.

And what is McConnell doing, instead of “leading” a Democrat/RINO or two to see the light he is spending millions in a Republican primary in Alabama where Republican victory is pretty well assured. He wants his guy to win of course. See third re-post courtesy Net Right Daily.  Meme images not in original.

By Joe Ott writing at Daily Sanity (ConservativeDaily.com)

Wow: Trump Fires Back Savage Response to Mitch McConnell

This week, Mitch McConnell had a constituent townhall. During the townhall, someone asked him how he could possibly be happy with accomplishing so little.

Mitch McConnell responded that Congress has actually been extremely successful but it only looks like they aren’t doing anything because President Trump set “excessive expectations.”

That forced Donald Trump to issue a blistering response.

“Senator Mitch McConnell said I had ‘excessive expectations,’ but not so. After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?”

Then again today, the President lashed out: “Can you believe that Mitch McConnell, who has screamed Repeal & Replace for 7 years, couldn’t get it done?”

But it’s not just McConnell. Paul Ryan was touring a factory in Wisconsin and received a tongue lashing from a voter named Keith Ketzler.

“For eight horrible years I heard, ‘We don’t have control of the House. We don’t have control of the Senate. We don’t have the Presidency and when we get in, we got a plan and we’re going to change stuff.’ Well, I’ll tell you what: You’re in there now and all I see is infighting. It’s very dysfunctional.” Ryan had no legitimate answer.

It’s time to clean house.

The President wants you to fight back! Send your instantaneous FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they clean house and replace Ryan, McConnell, and the GOP leadership!

We are more than 200 days into the Trump Presidency and Congress has accomplished next to nothing. With the exception of a VA reform bill, not one of President Trump’s agenda items have passed.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell had years to plan. They had years to prepare for the day when the GOP retakes control of the government. They squandered their time.

Now, they want permission to squander the next 4-8 years. I’m sorry, but I can’t let them do that. This is the last, best chance we have to put America back on the right path.

Did you know that President Trump has reduced the national debt by 100 billion on his own? No legislation… just him forcing agencies and departments to cut stupid programs. He promised to cut two regulations for every new federal regulation added. At the six month mark, he has been cutting regulations at a rate of 16-to-1.

Can you imagine what we would accomplish as a country if our Congressional leadership wasn’t made up of spineless cowards?

Honestly, close your eyes and picture the potential of a world without Ryan or McConnell in charge.

Now open your eyes and help us make that dream a reality!

The President needs your help! Send your instantaneous FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them to clean house and replace Ryan, McConnell, and the GOP leadership!

Kick them to the curb,

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

President Trump said it…. BUT NOW, it is up to each and every one of us to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

We’re going to cut straight to the chase. Since the United States Senate refused to repeal ObamaCare, WE’RE GOING TO SEE TO IT THAT THEY ARE FORCED TO LIVE WITH IT LIKE THE REST OF US!

And that’s why we’re demanding that President Trump put actions behind those words, and furthermore, we want each and every Member of the United States Senate to KNOW that you’re making that demand!

It’s high time these legislators in Washington know that we’re sick and tired of their fecklessness, hypocrisy and political games. Congress must be force to live under the law they wrote until they repeal it for everyone.

What Obama Did Illegally With His Phone And His Pen, Can — And Should — Be Undone With A Phone And A Pen!

Make no mistake, Congress’ exemption from ObamaCare is ILLEGAL, and it is a massive SCAM perpetuated on the American people.

Barack Obama made it happen with a stroke of his pen; and President Trump can undo it… without Congress… because what was done illegally, through executive fiat, can — and should — be undone the same way.

We don’t need a law to make it happen. The President has the authority to undo it with a stroke of his pen and to be frank, it should have been the first act that Donald Trump executed upon occupying the Oval Office!

Just to bring everyone up to speed, here is how this illegal act unfolded.

Rush Limbaugh may have said it best when he pointed out that within ObamaCare’s “2,000-plus pages was Section 1312(d)(3)(D), which requires members and their staffs to leave behind their generous Federal Employee Health Benefits Program health plans and instead purchase their health insurance directly through the ObamaCare exchanges, without benefit of an employer subsidy. That requirement, like the individual and employer mandates, would kick in on January 1, 2014.”

And when the drop dead date for Members of Congress and their staff members approached, our elected officials, on both sides of the aisle, came to the startling conclusion that ObamaCare was not so hot after all.

They cried and begged like little children and Barack Obama came to their rescue.

As The Hill put it: “After heavy lobbying by leaders of both parties on both sides of the Capitol dome, President Obama came to their rescue. He directed the Office of Personnel Management to issue a rule – now codified as 78 Fed. Reg. 60653-01 – declaring Congress itself a small business, the necessary subterfuge to set them up for the kicker: Because Congress was deemed a ‘small business,’ ‘the DC Health Link Small Business Market administered by the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority is the appropriate SHOP from which Members of Congress and designated congressional staff will purchase health insurance in order to receive a Government contribution.'”

Now, if that makes you angry, just keep reading because this scam that is being perpetuated on the American people just gets worse, but for now, suffice it to say that if we must live under ObamaCare, then it is the duty of every patriotic American to see to it that they live under ObamaCare too.

How Do 535 Federal Legislators And The Thousands Of Federal Government Employees Who Work In Their Offices Qualify For Coverage Under A Small Business Plan?

Think about it for a moment. According to ObamaCare (and ObamaCare is the LAW… right?), a company must employ under 50 people to qualify as a small business under the exchanges.

So how do Members of Congress and D.C. Hill staffers qualify?

The short answer is… THEY DON’T!

But, as you already know, that is where Barack Obama’s pen comes into the picture.

The Daily Wire simply confirms what The Hill said: “[I]n 2013 President Obama bowed to congressional pressure and allowed Congress to classify themselves as a small business, thus making them eligible for the small business exchange, where they would receive an employer contribution from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).”

After all, why should a sitting President and Members of Congress be required to comply with the law?

However, pay particular attention to the last past of the above statement from The Daily Wire because it shows just how this plot thickened.

Members of Congress, who make well into six-figures on their Congressional salaries alone are not only illegally participating in a small business exchange but these plans are being subsidized by your hard-earned tax dollars to the tune of 73 percent!

Limbaugh points out that our elected are technically “on ObamaCare” but “they don’t have to face the problems of ObamaCare because their premiums are subsidized — it’s actually, 73% — by the taxpayers. Which means that they can afford platinum plans that have no deductibles or copays.”

Whoever said crime doesn’t pay, never met an elected official.

Now, all that being said, here’s the bottom line folks. Since our United States Senators didn’t have the guts to repeal ObamaCare, we’re going to make them live with it.

And mark our words, when they have to live under ObamaCare, like the rest of us, they WILL hustle to repeal it. That is the message we’re sending to President Trump and the Members of the United States Senate and it’s a message that must be sent now.

Chris Carmouche

By Peter Hong  contributing editor at Americans for Limited Government

After the GOP leadership lost health care reform in the Senate by a single vote with three renegade Republicans joining a unanimous bloc of Democrats, you’d think Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would be singularly focused on capturing the 25 Senate seats Democrats will be defending in 2018.  You’d think.

Instead, a McConnell-aligned PAC is running a vicious attack ad campaign in the special election for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ open Senate seat in Alabama…in the GOP primary…against a Republican congressman. Mo Brooks — a conservative, a member of the House Freedom Caucus and one of the three leading candidates to succeed Sessions – earned McConnell’s ire by suggesting that the Kentucky senator step down as Majority Leader for failing to pass Obamacare repeal.

McConnell has placed his support, his money and his political machine behind recently appointed Senator Luther Strange in the August 15th primary. Six months ago, disgraced Alabama Governor Robert Bentley appointed Strange, then the state’s Attorney General, to Sessions’ open seat before pleading guilty to two corruption charges related to a sex scandal and resigning from office. Strange himself faces several ethics complaints related to his appointment and his days as Attorney General.  The Alabama ethics commission has interestingly postponed its hearing on these complaints until the day after the primary.

From his brief Senate tenure, Strange appears to be a relatively reliable vote for Senate leadership, not having had time to distinguish himself – for better or worse. The key word for the Republican leadership is “reliable” – as in a vote they can count on — again, for better or worse.

“Reliable,” as defined by the Establishment, describes neither Brooks nor the other GOP contender, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. Chief Justice Moore has gained prominence among social conservatives and is best known for being removed from office for refusing to remove a replica of the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Judicial Building.

Because Alabama is as red a state as you’ll find, there not much to distinguish between the Republican candidates on major issues; the difference arises in tone, personality and who’s going to hang out with which crowd in the Senate GOP cloakroom. Strange has made his bed with the Establishment wing of the Senate. And, as McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund (SLF) has demonstrated, they are bent and determined to keep Strange there.

Already, the SLF has announced that it expects to spend at least eight million dollars on behalf of Strange – an unheard of investment in a Republican state in a non-election year.  McConnell’s PAC has run ads attacking both Brooks and Moore, but has focused most of its attention (and money) on Brooks. The attack ads claim that Brooks was insufficiently supportive of President Trump when Brooks served as chairman for Ted Cruz’s presidential race in the primary. And Trump gave an inexplicable, last-minute Twitter endorsement of Strange, a particularly strange move given the friction between Trump and McConnell.

Given Trump’s popularity in Alabama, the attacks have done some damage to Brooks’ standing in the polls. He’s currently running third behind both Moore and Strange, although a recent poll had the race close with Moore leading with 30%, Strange at 22%, and Brooks at 19%. If no one receives more than 50% of the vote in next week’s primary, the top two vote getters in each party will face off in runoffs on September 26 (the general election is scheduled for December 12).

Therefore, Brooks does not need to beat both Moore and Strange; he only needs to place first or second to make it to the runoff. Since voter turnout in primaries tends to be low and difficult to poll, predicting the outcome of this race is treacherous business. McConnell’s money could set up a Moore-Strange runoff, as planned, or the Majority Leader and his Establishment allies could find themselves once again with egg on their faces.

It begs the question: why is Senator McConnell plugging into a safe Republican seat millions of dollars that could be used to defeat up to a dozen potentially vulnerable Democrats in 2018? Is he truly more comfortable with the reelection of Democrat senators who vote as a bloc against the Trump/GOP agenda – than a Senator Brooks (R-AL) who will fight for it?

The answer lies in the ongoing battle between McConnell and Establishment strongholds, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Tea Party organizations, like the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF). A National Review article in 2013 depicted in detail how the McConnell-SCF feud overwhelmed the 2014 Nebraska Senate election that resulted in the election of Ben Sasse.

As Sasse’s election illustrates, the Establishment does not have a great track record of picking senators.  If McConnell and the Establishment had had their way, Sasse, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul today would not be on the Senate floor. In contrast, senators, like Lamar Alexander, John McCain, and Lisa Murkowski, who were supported by the Establishment when challenged from the right, abandoned their principles and the entire GOP by switching and voting against outright repeal of Obamacare a month ago.

So, how exactly does McConnell truly define who is “reliable” and who is not?  Who does he think is on his side? And whose side is he on?

The wily, crafty legislator may have tipped his hand when he complained this week about President Trump’s “excessive expectations” about the progress in the Senate of the Trump agenda. McConnell, who has been in the Senate for 33 years, is at heart a Senate institutionalist – and the traditions of that body, like the filibuster (which Strange supports and Brooks and Trump oppose).

And his definition of “reliable” does not depend on whether you are principled, a conservative, or a supporter of the President – the key is whether you vote with Mitch McConnell and preserving the Senate he loves.

Apparently, Senator McConnell thinks that’s the key qualification for Alabama’s next senator.  We’ll see on Tuesday if Alabama Republicans agree.

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One Response to Fed up with Republican congressional leadership

  1. Gus says:

    “As Sasse’s election illustrates, the Establishment does not have a great track record of picking senators. If McConnell and the Establishment had had their way, Sasse…would not be on the Senate floor.”
    Maybe McConnell is not completely satisfied with Ben Sasse, but there is no more aggressive anti-Trumper in the Senate than Mr. Sasse. His “eloquence” and high-sounding ‘conservative’ mumblings provide a lot of cover for this “faux conservative”.

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