Monthly Archives: September 2017

Damn Dams destroy nature’s causeway

Back in the day, on occasion,  a hop skip and a jump could get you across the Mississippi here and about. Who to blame for low water? Droughts back then caused by intense wigwam and teepee fires, oh, and buffalo … Continue reading

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Russia overspent on Facebook

 .08 of a penny average on Facebook subscribers, total over a year’s time to sow general discord* They over spent. US based liberal trolls do it for free and far more extensively Sowing discord is what they do. Like leftists … Continue reading

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Packers/Bears go both ways as a team

Packers and Bears stand, link arms before NFL game All we can say is . . .* “GRAB YOUR PARTNER AND D0-SI-DO; SWING HIM AROUND AND… Allemande left partner, Allemande right corner, Allemande left partner, Allemande right corner.   . . … Continue reading

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Two important reads, with a demurral or two

Kurt Schlichter writing at Town Hall expresses much sentiment we can support GOP, Can You Hear Us Normals Now? He delineates an important message delivered to the GOP establishment in Tuesday’s Alabama US Senate primary election. Part of that message … Continue reading

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West Point as to communist in the ranks: Golly we didn’t know

Question also arises, who would Alejandro Villanueva, not go on the field in solidarity with / deference to … a hurting cadet dissatisfied with America?  Why no solidarity with Spenser Rapone?  Solidarity with him makes as much sense as his … Continue reading

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Such a deal from good ole Lindsey, and another welfare program to boot!

States have been raising gas taxes right and left, why limit it to them, or gasoline! It’s enough to make anyone question anything this guy comes up with “South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters he supported taxing carbon dioxide … Continue reading

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Alejandro we hardly knew ye, tolerating the Kaepernicks

From DLH: Hey football fans. Do you know who the players on your favorite NFL team are, as we’ve affectionately dubbed them, “Knee Jerks”? Certainly the player who experienced the shortest span of admiration for a courageous stand is Alejandro … Continue reading

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Oh Dear, it’s all so confusing

Oh Dear, it’s all so confusing. That lovely man , Mitch McConnell just ‘can’t get no satisfaction’. Seems like legislating is just not his thing. Unfortunately he’s not very articulate either. Or wait! While it’s certainly true that Mitch deserves … Continue reading

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Moreon NFL

Via Heritage Foundation:   (excerpt) Here’s How Much Money the NFL Rakes in From Taxpayers  Michael Sargent, an infrastructure expert at The Heritage Foundation, wrote about how sports teams use specially crafted tax breaks to get the public to finance their … Continue reading

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This report by NY NBC affiliate provides its version of an informative, definitive news story.  We’ve noted just how the reporting goes. It seems the ‘culprits’ were: “A group” “young suspects” “five men and two women” apparently “not gang-related” “attackers” … Continue reading