Monthly Archives: May 2018

Primary is June 5th — Write in GINNY C⋅A⋅L⋅I⋅G⋅I⋅U⋅R⋅I

AND FILL IN THE BUBBLE Primary election day in Iowa is June 5th.  The local primary field will be discussed in general a bit more in coming days but this one needs some special treatment. Readers are probably aware that … Continue reading

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Trey Gowdy’s ~~ kiss-up ~~ to the deep state

Gary Bauer at Campaign for Working Families has some trenchant remarks, (surprising from him) about Trey Gowdy’s ~~ kiss-up ~~ to the deep state:  Our DLH has had Gowdy’s number for awhile. Gagging On Gowdy I bit my tongue when … Continue reading

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Reference our post of yesterday about the Roseanne Barr firing, we suggested that ABC execs may have been responding to “friends in the Hamptons”.   An insider article by Charlie Richards at Townhall Finance corrects the coast. Former Sitcom Writer … Continue reading

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With able seaman Deuce Gowdy at the helm

The good ship, “USS Conservative Hope” is likely steaming right into the Deep State iceberg No more tea, Gowdy switching to cafe latte? Remember the IG report we’ve all anxiously awaited? You know the one. It’s going to blow the … Continue reading

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Selective outrage at ABC

Posted below is an informative brief from Nate Jackson at Patriot Post regarding the Roseanne Barr show being cancelled because of a comment she made on Twitter. The matter has to make you wonder, as Rush did just moments ago, … Continue reading

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Glitches yesterday so missed posting

Can’t blame WordPress for everything – yesterday the glitch was time and tired due to work schedule (practicing solidarity with working stiffs). After almost 3800 posts/commentaries over the years amounting to 11 a week your humble editor took a very … Continue reading

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If you are concerned about corruption then be concerned about corruption

David Harsanyi at the Daily Signal has an ~~ OK~~ commentary but it seems to assume mere partisanship in its critique rather than calling to task that which is actual corruption on the opinion leaders part and those with responsibilities … Continue reading

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We are seeing a theme here . . .

. . . and we like it We can fantasize, can’t we? Townhall articles: Of Course, Obama Knew of the Spying on the Trump Campaign  Heads Will Roll It’s Time to Impeach the President 00

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Pope sent a message years ago to Ireland

No obsessing about the right to life potato famine looms large We realize that his Holiness, who never hesitates to share his views on the events of the day, is a busy guy. We realize, too, that ‘derivatives’ and economic … Continue reading

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“Vaticanomics” results in deadly sins

Our Illustrious Senior Editor DLH recently posted a commentary in part about Pope Francis’  issuance of , Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones”, as said and praised by the Catholic left to be  “a new magisterial” (authoritative teaching) document about “economic and … Continue reading

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