Travellers Club, London
Regarding recent revelations about the Mueller witch hunt , the articles we recommended yesterday confirm “Russiagate” as a get Trump conspiracy of the Deep State comprised in significant part of the usual suspects in the GOPe extending back to G H W Bush years.
That is said with due acknowledgement to “Sundance” at the “Conservative Tree House”…a blog that we have mixed feelings about and cannot admit to trusting its reporting in any and all instances. Their reports often deal with intricate “conspiracies”, real or imagined, in our opinion, but always appearing to be exhaustively researched and well-documented.
Their piece is worth reading by serious political ‘junkies’. It suggests…nay! asserts that that Stephen Halper, the newly uncovered “Deep State” spy actually developed his estimable skills in the Reagan and Bush administrations, actually spying on the Carter administration, for one. We regard these revelations as unsurprising in the case of the Bushes but disturbing in the case of Reagan.
In hindsight, to us, it is easy to see how such methods and tactics Halper is said to have used on behalf of the G H W Bush presidency could easily morph into Obama administration weapons. It seems not ‘above’ the principles of the Washington Establishment to share methods and tactics against political opponents freely. We’re seeing the Bushes applauding, if not facilitating, the ‘war’ on Trump by, first, the Obama administration and, now, the Deep State/”Resistance”.
We remain, however, skeptical of “Sundance’s” allegations regarding the Reagan presidency. But maybe that’s because we’ve always held Reagan in high regard as Reagan had similar problems as Trump – holdovers from the G HW Bush years at the CIA and his, and his element’s general influence. Sundance’s resume build of Halper’s career and associations is telling. DLH
Stefan Halper Agent Provocateur – In His Own Words…
Clarice Feldman lays out the whole stinking “Deep State” mess. Read carefully, there can be no question that this, as Trump suggested, the most explosive political scandal in American history!
H.A.L.P.E.R. Spells Game Up for Obama’s Spies
But try discussing this case with a liberal “friend” or a Hillary voter, or an Obama fan. You will find they are blithely ignorant of any of the damning details and will repeat only what NPR, the NY Times, et al, has furnished the ignorant media (that’s spelled “Q.C.T.I.M.E.S.).
Sadly, and alarmingly, it is not likely the true story will never be widely disseminated nor fully absorbed by a large segment of the American people. DLH
Planted innuendo, perfidy, misinformation, press stooges, CYA gambits, all things Mueller is part of — but real Russian collusion with Hillary — Mueller is not investigating
I appreciate former FBI agent Wauk’s analysis. Sundance paints a picture but I think Strassel and especially Clarice are more reliable. Sundance picture was good for giving Halper “resume” as more than an “academic” He was a hard core operative of the seedy manipulator “we are in charge/ we know best” class. That is nothing all that revealing about political operatives. That he was primarily operating with and for the deep state as regards internal US elective politics is damnable.
Related reading appearing today at Daily Caller – by Chuck Ross:
An Email Referring To ‘Collusion’ Sheds Light On Cambridge Prof’s Interactions With Trump Aide
And this stunning admission from a former Clinton pollster
Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all
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