Is this a joke?
WASHINGTON – White House Chief of Staff John Kelly plans to convene a meeting between top law enforcement and intelligence officials and GOP congressional leaders to “review highly classified and other information” the lawmakers have requested about the FBI’s use of a confidential source to aid an investigation of the Trump campaign, a White House spokeswoman said Monday.
President Donald Trump met for about an hour Monday with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats. The meeting came a day after the Justice Department asked its inspector general to investigate Trump’s claim that his campaign may have been infiltrated by the FBI source for political purposes, and amid continued demands from GOP lawmakers that the department produce materials on the person.
With Jeff sessions in Firm Control of the Justice Department, Ham Sandwiches Everywhere Can Feel Secure … Safe From Indictment For Anything!
Rowdy Roddy Rosenstein has once again, proven himself to be in charge.
You want an “investigation” that is certain to last until after mid-term elections, and possibly way beyond? Give it to the Inspector General!
With no power other than to make “criminal referrals” the IG can go through all the motions of an “investigation” without endangering the livelihood of any of “Rowdy’s” Deep State buds.
Remember how long us rubes have been waiting for the ‘explosive’ IG report on all the DOJ, FBI, et al’s misdeeds?
You know the one. It’s gonna be so devastating for the anti-Trump, anti-American voters that every Obama miscreant will be wearing prison stripes before the year is out! Kamala Harris will go into a nunnery, Nancy Pelosi will not be seen again until she emerges on a Frisco street corner babbling about what a ‘master legislator” she used to be.
To raise money for his defense fund, and until sentencing, Jim Comey will have to wear a sandwich board on Times Square inviting passersby to ‘kick the weasel…25 cents’ !
Great fun will be had by all good Americans!
The IG report, despite outsize expectations, is likely to be another “nothingburger”, as reported by the leftist media.
Oh, and incidentally, that big sit-down at the White House, where Roddy allegedly gave in and agreed to let Devin Nunes and the boys take a peek at the controversial “FBI/Mueller papers”.
We felt good about that until we heard that Christopher Wray had ordered another 1200 barrels of “redaction ink”. Verifies our apprehensions about a Trump nominee who could get all but 5 Democrat confirmation votes.
And…where was ‘what’s his name’…Jeff Sessions? Get caught in traffic and missed the meeting? Maybe he was wearing one of Comey’s suits that blend in with the carpeting and drapes in White House meeting rooms so he wouldn’t be noticed hobnobbing with, ugh, Trump.
By the way, anybody wonder what happened to John Huber, named by Sessions to “get to the bottom of…well, everything. Remember this from way back in March?:
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions designated U.S. attorney John Huber as the prosecutor tasked with looking into allegations of abuse of power at the FBI.
“In a Thursday letter to Congress, Sessions said this appointment was made in response to requests for a special counsel investigation of the claims. The attorney general said, however, that Huber will be the one determining “whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel.”
“Sessions cited Justice Department regulations which stipulate that a special counsel appointment should be reserved for only the most “extraordinary circumstances.”
“If the situation doesn’t “justify such a departure ‘from the normal processes of the Department,'” Sessions said the guidelines allow the attorney general to make alternative arrangements that would sufficiently “mitigate any conflicts of interest.”
The word I get is that immediately after Huber was named he admitted himself into the Witness Protection program under the name “J Buffet’ and was last seen wasting away somewhere, searching for evidence of abuse of power, and, his last jigger of salt.