There s/he goes, Mx America

Not really surprised … more so when we found out Bert Parks was not still hosting

Contestant playing field no longer assuredly level, road to victory in reality could be bumpy  have bumps

Tight fitting pantsuits not a solution

Bruce Jenner said to be happy he won’t have to get snipped after all, in order to have a chance

In spite of development, contest officials are said to be in negotiations with Sally Fields over her trademarked and now allowable use of “that word” as it merely describes “something powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.”  Take out the honest part and everyone can make the cut.

Frankly, full burkas seem the only reasonable and fair way to go

So the soon to be renamed Mx America contest is no longer going to have swimsuit or evening gown competition. Great, we’ll be sure to watch as in the last three or so decades.

Does anyone doubt that this is not in part to pave the way for transgender “contestants”.  Well the ones that have not gone “all in” just yet. Actually we imagine that even transgender’s will stop watching as they will no longer be able to get reliable fashion ideas from the real thing, so to speak.

Here are some additional takes on the topic.  Some of the comments to same are precious.

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