Referencing our previous post “Maybe it’s a defense that’s ‘weak’ only for Republicans?”
From DLH: Can you believe the blatancy of the liberal media hypocrisy as regards condemning such a response when uttered by Republicans? It seems to be working for the “star” of the Kavanaugh hearings, snotty and self-righteous Senator Kamala Harris:
Kamala Harris, taking ‘I don’t recall’ to new heights
By Monica Showalter
MeToo loudmouth and Bay Area Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris of California has gotten herself into yet another scrap, this one claiming she knew nothing about a $400,000 payoff for a sexual harassment case brought on by one of her top staffers. How very ironic, given how she stuck it to spotless Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over sex harassment phony claims during his confirmation hearings and tried to make herself the figurehead for being sterling tough against sex harassment.
The hypocrisy is thick. According to Fox News…
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