Trump gives Nancy her transparency, the WSJ disapproves

Nancy got her “transparency’…and didn’t like it. Who can blame her, exposing her as the fool she is?

The Wall Street Journal disapproves  (paywall)

  • Not exactly a shocker, the WSJ editorial board does not approve of President Trump’s “Oval Office Pantomine” as they call it. The paper is referring, of course, to the “meeting” (their quotes) Tuesday between President Trump and Democratic leaders, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.
  • The Journal, a notorious advocate for illegal immigration, reflecting its business constituency’s insatiable appetite for cheap labor, termed the meeting, which was held in the presence of the White House media and televised ‘live’, an “entertaining spectacle” and an “embarrassment” (for President Trump, of course).
  • Unmentioned in the editorial is the undeniable fact that the Journal doesn’t want the “Wall”. It’s impossible to not conclude from the piece that the paper also is not a fan of a ‘government shutdown’ and is critical of Trump’s willingness to take the blame for one in order to get the funding for border security, as enhanced by ‘his’ Wall.
  • In what we believe to be a somewhat misleading description of Mr. Trump’s efforts to reach a compromise with Democrats earlier this year the Journal claims it was the president’s “changing positions” on what he would and would not support that caused that effort to fail.
  • The editorial acknowledged that Trump’s offer (which they describe as a “House compromise bill”) was defeated by Republicans feuding over “details”.
  • That’s not quite how we recall and interpret that effort. First of all, failure to pass a bill limiting illegal immigration and strengthening border security, we believe, was primarily due to the purposeful failed leadership of the GOP Speaker of the House, the sanctimonious Paul Ryan.
  • Trump’s offer to give ‘amnesty’ to more DACA recipients than Democrats even demanded (which we thought was a bit more generous on Trump’s part than necessary), in return for full funding of the “wall”, seemed to us to be the very definition of “compromise”. Mr. Ryan’s unenthusiastic “support’, deserves the credit for allowing “Republican feuding over the details” to scuttle it.
  • Compliments to President Trump for bringing real ‘transparency’ to government, Good riddance to Paul Ryan, and a Bronx Cheer to the Wall Street Journal ed board!         DLH
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