- The moniker Cardinal Fatty Butterpants fits quite well
- The illogic, the cowardliness, of His Eminence, Cardinal Dolan is astounding
- What a pathetic big-Irish glad-hander, funny-man, bullshit
artistpractitioner - Just another Democrat-first Catholic
- If Quomo’s support, aid and abetting, material cooperation with abortion/infanticide does not qualify for excommunication then nothing can ever. Ditto Pelosi, Durban, Harkin and so many more
- The fecklessness, the lack of leadership is a bigger scandal in its way than Cuomo’s long list of apostasies, because a shepherd is involved
- Dolan, excusing his own inaction, is trying to have it both ways, if not with Cuomo with other Democrat-first Catholics — he wouldn’t want to insult them or their voting patterns
- Second (bottom) picture and comment not in original
Judi McCleod at Canada Free Press:
Cardinal Dolan will NEVER Excommunicate His Buddy Gov. Andrew Cuomo
“Please never use the word weigh in when I come on, I’ve asked you to avoid that,” portly Cardinal Timothy Dolan, head of the archdiocese of New York, told Brian Kilmeade in yesterday’s interview on Fox & Friends.
For Christian pro-lifers still reeling in shock that Democrat New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law new rules that permit babies to be aborted up to the day of birth, Dolan is an elephant sitting on their hearts and souls.
“When asked whether New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) should be formally excommunicated from the Catholic Church because he signed into law new rules that permit babies to be aborted up to the day of birth—what one bishop has called “infanticide”—New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan said such a step “would be counterproductive.” It would give “ammo to our enemies,” he added. (CNS News, Jan. 28, 2019.)
But the cardinal and the governor have been “giving ammo” to anti-Catholic/Christian enemies for years.
“Also, when asked whether Communion should be denied to Cuomo at Mass, Dolan said such questions make him “restless,” and he’d be “uncomfortable going into that” pastoral issue. (CNS News)
“Restless”? “Uncomfortable?”
How about cowardly and governor butt kissing?
Because when it comes to not taking a stand against abortion, that’s exactly what Cardinal Dolan is.
In the Jan. 28 interview Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy tried to cut to the chase, something the prevaricating cardinal never does:
“The fact (is) that the baby can be born alive and then they can terminate it. There have been calls from within the Catholic Church for Governor Cuomo to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.”
“Cardinal Dolan, head of the Archdiocese of New York, replied, “You’re telling me. I get wheelbarrows of letters every day. I think that [excommunication] would be counterproductive myself.”
“Well he’s not following Catholic doctrine,” said Doocy.
“Dolan answered, “I don’t know – but there’s my point, Steve. We would be giving ammo to our enemies who say, ‘This is an internal Catholic disciplinary matter. This is really not civil rights, this is not biology. These Catholics don’t have freedom when it comes to this.’ I think we’d be giving our enemies ammo.”
“Doocy then said, “But the Catholic Church, cardinal, stands against abortion. And here is the most prominent Catholic in the state of New York, and he’s saying, ‘Eh, this is a good thing!’”
“The Canon Law [915] you quoted also says you have to use it for medicinal purpose and you think there’s going to be a good effect that can come out of this,” said Cardinal Dolan.
“He continued, “We have a governor that brags about it. We have a governor who uses his dissent from Church teaching as applause lines. We have a governor that takes quotes from Pope Francis out of context to draw an artificial cleavage between the bishops of New York and the Holy Father himself. He’s [Cuomo’s] not going The use would be to stop the hypocritical Cuomo from identifying as a Catholic.
The use would be to stop the hypocritical Cuomo from identifying as a Catholic.
“A little later in the interview, Doocy asked, “What about denying him Communion?” (CNS News)
“A little later in the interview, Doocy asked, “What about denying him Communion?” (CNS News)
“Cardinal Dolan did not answer directly but said, “Well, look, that’s – I don’t rarely get restless but I am – that’s kind of a pastoral issue that I think one has to talk to him about, and I think proper people have. And I’d be uncomfortable going into that, rather spiritual and pastoral. That’s a good point. Not denying him [Communion]. He may have already said, ‘I cannot approach [Communion].’”
be moved by this. So what would be the use?”
Cardinal Dolan fills in perfectly as Gov. Cuomo’s “Fr. Fatty Butterpants”, a description for others originated by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, better known as Fr. Z.
Cardinal Dolan, the governor and mayor are part of the deepening rot in the city known as The Big Apple.
The cardinal, sitting elephant-like on Christian hearts and souls, will NEVER excommunicate his buddy Gov. Cuomo.
Though the current pope would never do it, it is Cardinal Dolan who should be excommunicated as well.

Cardinal Dolan on excommunication: I Wouldn’t want to give our enemies ammo so instead I will eat with him, appear with him, ask their indulgence. Besides they might excommunicate me from the Democrat Party! And surely no confusion is sown, you all know I am authentic right, wink, wink. And it is an old discipline not of this time and meant for other people doing serious wrong, seriously helping people do wrong, or something.