Prior to the latest”summit” meeting between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, the liberal media, members of the Washington establishment, and even some self-styled “fair and balanced” news personalities were predicting that Trump was so anxious to get a “deal’ on denuclearization that he would “give away the store” to Kim in return for little or nothing.
The most popular analysis had it that Trump did not know what he was doing, and the wily, little Communist dictator would outsmart him and at most offer empty concessions which Trump would not be able to enforce, in return for relief from all sanctions, and who knows what else.
And then, Trump, desperate to claim success as the “great negotiator’ would announce that he got the ‘greatest deal ever’, and that he had fulfilled his promises of denuclearization!
Actually, those experts had some knowledge on which to base their expectations. Some had personal experience in being hornswoggled by the North Koreans. The last several presidents, over decades, thought they had gotten great agreements from the “Hermit Kingdom”, only to realized they’d been completely fooled.
And, of course, the media knew for sure that Trump is an idiot and will give Kim everything he wants so that he can claim a ‘win’ ahead of the 2020 elections.
The Irony
So what happened? Trump met with Kim, pressed America’s legitimate demands that an agreement be reached to begin a process by which North Korea would rid itself of nuclear weapons, with a strict verification process that would insure their compliance, in return for the lifting of sanctions at an appropriate time and some assurances that Kim could live with and which would provide better living and economic conditions for his country, his people and his government.
Kim would not agree to certain of our presidents demands and expected that Trump would settle more or less on North Korea’s terms, as previous US presidents have done.
Not this time…and Trump walked away from the table as he has said he would if genuine progress toward the ultimate goal was not offered and accepted.
So now, the same Trump critics are saying the whole thing failed and Trump was a failure.
Obama would have succeeded?
That is the laughable assertion the media the establishment, and the Democrats are making.
The irony is that Trump has given his critics and the hapless Obama people a lesson in “Effective foreign policy negotiations 101″.
How stark is the difference between the President Trump approach to crucial negotiations and the farcical performance by the Obama administration is agreeing to the most dangerous and foreign policy fiasco in modern history…the Iran Nuclear Agreement”!
Trump was accused of wanting this deal so badly he would give Kim whatever he wanted in return for little or nothing, just so he could claim a win.
What Was the US ‘Best and Final Offer’?

“You both have an engaging smile but you do understand we would have to kill you * . . . besides the deal is queer enough.”
Obama (and Kerry) wanted the Iran agreement even more and were not only willing to give Iran literally anything they wanted, and in fact, more than they expected, and got nothing for America in return…nor did they care.
To be crude, perhaps, is to say that one might even think Obama was so desperate to get a deal, he would have offered oral sex to get it! The liberal media would understand, even applaud.
(Maybe he did, but the Iranians said, “We’d rather have $150 million in unmarked bills.”) DLH