- It won’t be like last year says Alan, no more hanging with the hoi poloi
- This year he’s back with the Israel blaming Martha crowd
- However, having done the unmentionable, the bridge back to the Catskills is one too far

Liberal bonds are strong. A drink, some canapés, and ‘stimulating conversation’ with the ‘brightest people in the world’…progressives…are everything, it seems, even to the nation’s most respected elites.
Professor Dershowitz’ late endorsement of “The Democrats’ Biggest Buffoon”, however, may not be enough.
But poor Alan had to make a decision and it had to be an agonizing choice. There was only one among 25 from which to choose…each is a doozie!
The initial winnowing was probably easy. Faculty jealousies and feuds are part of the culture of academia. So fellow Harvard professor, Liz Warren, was likely one of the first to go.
The “Professor” actually doesn’t like communists, so DeBlasio and Bernie and many of the other ‘rose-tinted’ wannabes were easy to jettison.
But how it got down to “good ol’ Joe” is, at first, a real mystery to us.
Why the esteemed Professor Alan Dershowitz would ever want to be associated in any way with this clumsy, arrogant, nasty little man of sub-par intelligence is something to ponder.
Dershowitz could not possibly respect this idiot!
Our guess? Professor Alan Dershowitz, thought to be one of the shrewdest, brightest, observers of the modern political scene, and certainly a progressive to the core, thinks that “Sleepy Joe” Biden has the best chance to beat Donald J. Trump! DLH
Alan Howitzer Declares He Would Support Biden Over Trump in 2020
By Aidan McLaughlin Jun 13th, 2019,
Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard Law professor emeritus renowned, as of late, for his legal defenses of President Donald Trump throughout the special counsel investigation, said Thursday that he would support Joe Biden in 2020 in a matchup with the current president.
Dershowitz, appearing on the SiriusXM radio show of Mediaite founder Dan Abrams, spoke at length about the investigation into Trump and his campaign’s ties
to Russia, and said he will vote in 2020 based on the entirety of Trump’s record.
“You’re not going to vote for Donald Trump, are you?” Abrams asked in response.
“It depends who runs against him,” Dershowitz said. “If Bernie Sanders is nominated, that would present a real dilemma for me. I don’t think under any circumstances I could vote for a man who went to England and campaigned for a bigot and anti-Semite like Jeremy Corbin. I don’t think I could do it, I couldn’t pull that lever.”
“And what if the candidate is Joe Biden?” Abrams asked.
“I’m a strong supporter of Joe Biden,” Dershowitz said. “I like Joe Biden. I’ve liked him for a long time and I could enthusiastically support Joe Biden.”
“Over Donald Trump?” Abrams asked.
“Over Donald Trump, yeah,” the law prof said.
Remembering about this time last year:
Alan Dershowitz Says He’s Shunned by liberals on Martha’s Vineyard for Defending Trump By Niraj Chokshi , NY Times July 3, 2018
It was not the sort of complaint likely to draw public sympathy, and it did not.
Alan Dershowitz, the lawyer and professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, argued in an op-ed last week for The Hill that Americans have grown increasingly intolerant of opposing political views, focusing on a call by Representative Maxine Waters to harass Trump administration officials wherever they go.
But it was a personal note in the column that soon grabbed attention.
“I never thought I would see McCarthyism come to Martha’s Vineyard, but I have,” he wrote, of the elite island enclave off Cape Cod where he is a fixture.
Mr. Dershowitz, a self-professed “liberal Democrat,” said that friends on the Vineyard had snubbed him for publicly arguing against impeaching President Trump on television talk shows and in a forthcoming book.
“For them, it is enough that what I have said about the Constitution might help Trump,” said the lawyer, known for his fierce advocacy for civil liberties and his defense of famous clients like O.J. Simpson and Claus von Bulow. “So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard.”
This claim only seemed to draw a wave of mockery online that crested just as many of the nation’s media and political elites headed to the Cape for the Fourth of July.
“It is outrageous that people are now shunning Alan Dershowitz in their social lives,” one Twitter user wrote. “Really, what the heck took so long?
Many rejected the comparison to McCarthyism, with its blacklists and smears that ruined careers. Countless people offered Mr. Dershowitz their thoughts and prayers. One enterprising troll even set up a crowdfunding campaign with a $5 million goal to “buy Alan some new friends.” But friends and acquaintances on the Vineyard confirmed that his outspoken defenses of President Trump had not been well received.
His name and the name of the resort were both trending on social media. There were jokes about fine “Vineyard whine.”