Circus music played by the troop’s monkeys has more harmonious melody, and those same monkeys could type more sensical lyrics on the first run.
We at V’pac have critiqued rap music, its popularity and implications for society a number of times, particularly as championed by a certain former president and his “first lady”. Oh the “dignity” they brought to the office, invited into their home and enthralled their daughters with — the fine impresarios like Drake, Chance the Rapper, and Kendrick.

Brave defiance of RWSM (rich white sexist males) . The music world is soooo “cutting edge” edgy. Why who else could impart such meaning in one gesture! Either that or her IQ report came in, tee hee.
Not desiring to be outsold or less relevant than those rich black guys, Kesha (white girl’s parents exercise cultural appropriation in naming daughter?) earlier this month released this monument to her educational and cultural understanding, “her truths”. Our interest in the glorious cultural insight to be provided by Kesha was triggered by this article in The Federalist by Emily Jashinsky Kesha’s ‘Rich, White, Straight Men’ Tells Exactly Who The Left Despises
[Verse 1]
You could ride a unicorn to school
And if you fall off, you’d have healthcare
(No, you don’t)
And if you finish school, you’d go to college for free
That makes sense and that’s fair
(No, it’s not)
And if you were a lady
Then you own your lady parts
Just like a man goes to a dealership
And then he owns a car
Vroom, vroom
Fuck you (Fuck you)
What if life as we knew it was over?
Guess what? God is a woman, I know her
What if rich, white, straight men
Didn’t rule the world anymore?
What if rich, white, straight men
Didn’t rule the world anymore?
[Verse 2]
If you’re from another land, then come here
You won’t have to climb a wall
(Yes, you will!)
And if you are a boy who loves a boy
You’ll get a wedding cake and all
(Not in Colorado!)
And if you are a lady and you do your lady work
Then you will make as many dollars as the boys
Not just two thirds
Fuck you (Fuck you)
What if life as we knew it was over?
Guess what? God is a woman, I know her
What if rich, white, straight men
Didn’t rule the world anymore?
What if rich, white, straight men
Didn’t rule the world anymore?