The only border control allowed — hope it doesn’t offend anyone’s sensibilities
Excuse us for snickering but we found the following excerpt from Clarice Feldman’s column at American Thinker including a reference to the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of President Trump ‘s ‘border wall’ quite amusing (in boldface):
“Friday in a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court determined that the Sierra Club, ACLU, and the Southern Border Communities Coalition had no cause of action to obtain a review of the determination to use $2.5 billion dollars from Defense Department Funds to build sections of the wall on the Mexican Border. (The administration had authorized other funds — military construction, Defense department and the Treasury department’s asset forfeiture accounts [seized narcotics funds] — to supplement the $1.4 billion Congress had allocated for building a wall on the Mexican border, but only the Defense Department funds were at issue.)
The case arose from — where else? — the Ninth Circuit, where a District Court judge had issued a nationwide injunction against the use of those funds for wall construction.
U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco argued that private groups could not challenge this transfer and the majority of the court agreed. He added that even if they had a valid cause of action their “interests in hiking, bird watching, and fishing in designated drug-smuggling corridors do not outweigh the harm to the public from halting the government’s efforts to construct barriers to stanch the flow of illegal narcotics across the southern border.”

They are ugly, they spoil my bird-watching, and get in the way of my hunting rights
The complainants legal case is that the rest of the country’s self defense (and that is what we are talking about) is subject to their concept of aesthetics and personal pleasure. But heaven forbid someone complaining about wind farms . . . why such a complaint is un-American!!
Their aesthetics about illegal immigration also reminds us of the Trojans, “oh such a pretty horse, lets take it inside”