It used to be a retort regarding the obvious or a sure thing
- Now it seems a legitimate question
- Praise God some things never change — bears still sh*t in the woods
- Inquisitor General visits US Bishops, will be keeping a list of who’s not commie and who’s nice
- Bishops told to insure indoctrination according to the works of
ChairmanPope Francis
It may be too bad the Church does not have A “25th Amendment” for removal of a Pontiff who is clearly mentally unable to carry out his duties.
Of note:
“According to U.N. globalists, the big “sin” against the planet is the birthing of children since they will grow up to “pollute” the environment, so they see abortion as a sacrifice to this terrestrial deity, in a similar way children have been sacrificed to the Pachamama idol. The “Mother Earth” Pachamama idol that was venerated at the Vatican during the Amazon Synod merely symbolized this globalist cause of “atoning” to the planet. To think that Rome has joined the infamous U.N. in bowing to its planetary idol! “
“Hail Pachamama, full of grace…”?
Related reading: This article does a great job of explaining the controversy regarding recent Roman Catholic events implicated as having heretical problems and potentially schismatic under Pope Francis.
100 priests, lay scholars call Pope Francis to repent for Pachamama idolatry at Amazon Synod
Bishops told to get inline `~~ You WILL get fully on board with pushing Francis’ screeds. (excerpt – our annotations in red) )
Vatican envoy tells U.S. bishops to get in line with Pope Francis in ‘bomb-drop’ address
BALTIMORE, November 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The apostolic nuncio to the United States told the American bishops to get in line with the Holy Father and show they are taking steps to hand on the “Magisterium of Pope Francis” to their flock.
“The pastoral thrust of this pontificate must reach the American people,” Archbishop Christophe Pierre told attendees at the opening of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) fall general assembly.
Translation – the American election is coming up so get to proselytizing politically correct stuff, indeed go ahead and obsess
“Especially,” he added, “as families continue to demand of parishes and diocese the accompaniment envisioned by Amoris Laetitia.”
Translation – take our Blanqui word that the proletariat demands you get with the gosplan
Pierre also exhorted the American bishops to make “greater efforts” to have the pope’s environmental message in Laudato Si’, already well received by young people, “reach the hearts of political and civil leaders.”
Translation: Having reached the youth we have no time for Menshevik parents dragging their feet
Moreover, to prepare for their ad limina visits with the pope, “it may be useful to prayerfully reflect on our communion with the Bishop of Rome … namely by measuring to what extent we and our local churches have received the Magisterium of Pope Francis,” Pierre said.
Translation : I’m making a list and checking it twice
That includes making the pope’s first encyclical, Evangelii Gaudium, the “framework for efforts at evangelization,” he said.
“Adopting its missionary zeal and being in a permanent state of mission might represent tangible signs of communion with the Holy Father, for it shows the reception and implementation of his teaching as the key for missionary evangelization,” Pierre said.
Translation: mission, revolution, whatever
The pope’s “emphasis on human fraternity” could “serve as a means for deepening the richness of American culture and creating an openness to the new waves of immigrants who are seeking a brighter future,” he added.
“Our communion with the Holy Father can be expressed in the concrete actions that we take to make his magisterium better known among our people,” the nuncio said (full text here).
Translation: Better known magisterium – i.e. Marxism
Crazy Frank.
No, he is a Jesuit