Beyond the acceptable norm
Here is an article from RedState presenting some very serious responses to Admiral McRaven’s diatribe against his Commander-in-Chief President Trump (to refresh yourself on the matter a link to our V’PAC commentary is immediately below).
Of course the NYT quotes McRaven — evermore the Trump basher
RedState had this extensive article which contains devastating critiques from military sources.
We call your attention in particular to this excerpt from the material quoted in the RedState article:
VADM Pete Heckman drafted the following comments about McRaven: “McRaven is a loose cannon of the worst kind and should have been fired long before he achieved Flag Rank, while thereafter he was protected by Obama and his crowd. President Trump saw to it the guy did not get another tour and sent him into retirement. He has never shut up, and bears a big-time grudge. He surely lusted after the CNO job, as did Obama’s four-star black woman Admiral and the reason Navy moved Richardson over from SEA 08 to the CNO job. McRaven’s present actions and commentary fall far outside established protocol. Would be interesting to see if he was retired at the four-star rank officially. This takes an appointment by the Senate. Normally all Flag retirees officially retire at the 2-star rank, but may, for social purposes, be addressed at their highest rank. I was retired with a Senatorial appointment as a permanent Vice Admiral, subject to recall at any time. I will bet he was retired as a permanent 2-star. He should go somewhere and spend his time fishing.” [end of VADM Heckman’s comments]
Fascinating reading really as it implicates the incredible extent of the deep state’s maniacal attacks on Trump. The link below we offer as an embellishment to some of the links provided in the RedState article. For the record, we believe retired officers are and should be afforded great political speech latitude after retiring. Those at flag rank are a special category and should exercise discretion.
The Law of Retired Military Officers and Political Endorsements: A Primer
By Rick Houghton