Coup on Trial — Day 4

The argument lines of Democrats are incredible.

Out of one side of their collective mouths in the person of Adam Schiff as part of his opening statement ~~ by the information you are about to hear the case against Trump is overwhelming ~~ out of other side of the mouth: ~~ we must have more witnesses and documents ~~

About the documents — they falsely claim Clinton provided “92,000 pages” to Congress.  The truth is the documents were subpoenaed by the special prosecutor Ken Starr over a lengthy course of time and given to him as part of his criminal probe, with Clinton kicking and screaming the whole way. Clinton had to by court edict and precedent in such a criminal probe. Those document are what Congress got.

Remember the Mueller Russia probe –  we don’t know the numbers,  but as far as we know scads of  documents were provided and witnesses were interviewed and hundreds of pages of transcripts produced. So Schiff for brains has been able to review countless documents and witnesses as part of the Democrats ongoing impeachment effort beginning with Russia.

As regards  the Ukraine phone calls, Schiff had witness after witness with nothing to provide but hearsay and interpretation.  The only real fact witness as far as Ukraine, the country’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, his official response serves to exonerate President Trump and the only reference to quid pro quo and Ukraine aid in the relationship between the two comes from Trump saying “no quid pro quo” . . . and the fact that Ukraine got all military aid.

Of course Republicans in the House were not allowed to independently call witnesses or subpoena anything.  Any resistance by Trump to Democrat House political witch hunt is appropriate as a matter of separation of powers.  Otherwise, the House political majority could tie up any president endlessly as a tool of their political opposition.  Schiff declined to press his desire for select witnesses to the courts.  So no witnesses (or documents) were denied Democrats they really thought they had a right to.

As a separation of power matter, Schiff (or Trump) do not get SCOTUS chamber deliberations and Trump does not get to have House cloak room discussion transcripts for a fishing expedition unless a criminal indictment is brought (and not quashed by a judge). If Schiff thinks ha can get that then why hasn’t he? Because these are totally political “crimes” Schiff is alleging.

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