This decision is so hard. We are like Democrats in our indecision on who they should support. We change hour to hour.
This morning we say: Lets have this fight! All the Democrat candidates are on a glide-path to radical socialism. They are all Tweedle-Dummers but let’s give the most admitted redist of the red their day. In service to them, we point out that Joe, however mending his ways and endorsing all things radical today, “has some history.” He was associated with Obama and Hillary and they were not radical enough for the new party. As pointed out in some of the Bernie Bro sites, go with the winner!!
To be sure, Bernie and Warren support undoing the Republic, but Joe is a latecomer to that and we should go with the ones who mince no words. Bernie and/ or Lizbeth (MeMaw’s papoose) for the Democrat nomination!
Heard (hurd) on the streets from the same folks:*
~~The ploy to give Bloomberg a shot at the nomination must be resisted. We must take it to the streets. Sure Bloomberg has a billion or two in F*ck You money he can throw at Trump. They think Trump is going to win anyway, so why not reorient the coffers. But this is our chance. Our time has come . “We” can’t survive 4 or 12 more years of Trumpism.