Michelle in ’20?

  • Oh, and did I mention…she’s the descendant of SLAVES!


At Veritaspac, We’re Sticking With Our Early Prediction; A ‘Brokered Convention’, The “World’s Most Admired” Black Woman with The ‘Obama’ Last Name Answering the Call

She’s the one who is ‘Proud of her Country” Only When An Obama Runs It

Whether or not the Democratic Party’s ‘fears’ seem well-founded or not (that Bernie will be the nominee), we’re sticking with our prediction that Michelle Obama will emerge from the 2020 Democrat convention as the party’s 2020 presidential nominee.

As radical as Bernie, we believe, Ms. Obama has been aggressively sold to the American people as something of a “moderate’. Party faithful, however, know better.

The Barack Obama presidency did not appear to be as radical as Senator Sanders’ agenda, but, given another term, it most certainly would have turned viciously radical leftist. Obamacare, the way it was misleadingly packaged and forcibly enacted is just a hint of where Obama and the “progressive” Democrats want to go.

Trump is seen by the most extreme of the Dems as a “temporary” pause in the accomplishment of their agenda.

Bernie is being too obvious for the cautionary strategists of the party. He is tipping their hand before they’ve secured the Oval Office and both Houses.

In Michele, they see the ‘answer’, which should be so obvious to everyone…the GOP, the voters, the media (we think the MSM DOES know).

The way we see it unfold is that Michele Obama, and her still closeted strategists and supporters, will remain silent, until the convention except to continue the relentless ‘warnings’ about Bernie.

In the meantime Sanders will continue his seemingly unstoppable march to the nomination. Behind the scenes, we believe, Oprah, the old Obama machine, Barack, and all of the old true believers in the “wonders” of the Obamas will be working on Michele’s ego and the need to protect, restore, and continue Barack’s legacy. (Success with her ego won’t be too difficult to achieve.)

Bottom line, when one considers how “beloved” Michelle is, by the entire Democratic party, all the former Barack allies, the entertainment, academic, and media sectors; a “super” best selling book (“Becoming”), a Netflix ‘propaganda’ contract, her ‘youth’, voted the “World’s Most Admired Woman”, THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT (!!!)…how can she not be prevailed upon, and be the ‘reluctant savior’ to ‘rescue’ the Progressive March begun by her ‘sainted soul mate’, and, be forevermore “proud” of her Country?            dlh

Sampling of the “mix” of competing views on the race for the Dem nomination:

From Breitbart News:

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who he described as a socialist, as the presidential nominee in 2020 could put the Democrats majority in House of Representatives in jeopardy.

Clyburn said, “A lot of people think so. I do believe it will be an extra burden for us to have to carry. This is South Carolina, and South Carolinians are pretty leery about that title socialist.”

He continued, “So I think that that would be a real burden for us in these states or congressional districts that we have to do well in. If you look at how well we did the last time and look at the congressional districts, these were not liberal or what you might call progressive districts. These are basically moderate and conservative districts that we did well in, and in those districts, it’s going to be tough to hold onto these jobs if you have to make the case for accepting a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist.”

A Wall Street Journal editorial (2/24):

Democrats are waking to the prospect of a nominee who wants to eliminate private health insurance, raise taxes on the middle class, ban fracking and put government in charge of energy production, make college a taxpayer entitlement, offer free health care to illegal immigrants, raise spending by $50 trillion, and tag every down-ballot Democrat with the socialist label.

All of these are political vulnerabilities, but Republicans shouldn’t be too sanguine that Mr. Sanders would be an easy November mark. A majority of Americans aren’t socialist, at least not yet, but the country is closely divided politically. Democrats and the media will close ranks behind Mr. Sanders as an alternative to the incumbent.

Mr. Trump might also make the election a referendum on himself—meaning his personal behavior and character—rather than the socialist agenda. That’s an election Bernie Sanders could win. Democrats have little time left if they want to offer the country a better choice.

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