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Democrats are all in the same car, silent or not
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and times previously, we opined essentially that no Democrat presidential candidates should be referred to as essentially more moderate than the other(s).
Related commentaries this week have reinforced that theme. Regrettably conservative commentators like Erick Erickson continue to applaud that moderation is reflected in the support for Joe Biden by Democrats. We suppose so, if delusion is to be credited.
Gary Bauer at Campaign for working families:
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to focus on something that is infuriating me. It’s the false narrative being perpetuated by many in the media, including Fox News, and many Never Trumpers. The narrative is that Biden’s win is a triumph of “moderation.” That’s a total lie. It is a complete myth.
My friends, Joe Biden is not a “moderate.” He’s not a “centrist.” Maybe he was 30 years ago, but not today.
The difference between Biden and Sanders is that Sanders is honest and not ashamed to admit his agenda is socialist. Biden is mimicking Obama and Warren by disguising his radical agenda with words like “progressive” and “reform.”
Let me remind you who the real Joe Biden is.
Biden supported same-sex marriage before Barack Obama did.
Biden believes in abortion during all nine months of pregnancy, and is committed to forcing you to pay for abortions.
Biden is all in on a big government takeover of healthcare with an even bigger version of Obamacare.
Biden wants to give free healthcare to illegal aliens.
Biden has apologized for deporting illegal aliens.
Biden’s immigration “reform” plan is more foreign aid and no border wall.
Biden is weak on communist China.
Biden is an enthusiastic advocate of the Iran nuclear deal that gave the ayatollah’s regime billions of dollars, put it on a path to nuclear weapons and threatened the security of Israel.
Biden is all in on the radical Green New Deal. He’s even threatened to put energy executives in jail.
Biden will appoint radical justices, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who will distort the Constitution and use the Supreme Court to impose a radical agenda on the American people.
Biden suggested he would put extremist Beto O’Rouke in charge of his gun control policy.
What about any of this suggests that Joe Biden is a “moderate”? Again, you don’t have to take my word for it.
This media analysis found that Joe Biden’s platform is more liberal than Hillary Clinton’s.
The Washington Post editorial board recently declared, “No, Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden are not ‘centrists.'”
Axios wrote that Biden has “taken positions to the left of Barack Obama — illuminating the liberal drift of the entire party.”
Please share this report with your friends and family members. Don’t let them fall for the lie that Biden is a “moderate.”
Chris Stegal at TownHall
Moderate Is a Myth (excerpt) (image not in original)
. . . How dare you – as a conservative – pretend anyone in the Democrats’ field isn’t a full-blown socialist? Furthermore, how are the current luminaries of their party – Obama, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, etc. – how are any of them fundamentally different than Bernie Sanders? The answer is they’re not. They’re just better salespeople.
If I heard it once, I heard it a million times during coverage of Tuesday night’s election results. Fawning beltway media praising the “impressive, stunning, momentous” return of the Biden campaign, as if to celebrate a return to establishment normalcy for the swampy elites.
Biden has five decades of big government stank on him and that makes Republican, Democrat, and media establishment as comfortable with him as an old pair of jeans. They’d all love to see Biden win the nomination and go on to defeat President Trump.
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They believe Joe Biden is a return to the politics of yesterday, as though that’s romantic. For establishment-types to claim the Democrats’ past is a moderate fairytale, they either stopped paying attention or are willfully misleading. Neither Biden nor any of the Democrats in this 2020 field are moderate.
Mayor Pete, you say? The guy who told a woman in Iowa – on camera, to her face – if she’s pro-life she has no home in the party. Klobuchar, perhaps? She’s supported mandatory, federal gun buyback programs and reversed her position on making English the official language of the United States.
Bloomberg? Lots of brass-buttoned, brandy snifter establishment-types had high hopes for him. Thankfully only American Samoa was duped. The man dripped with contempt for humankind. Blacks, pregnant women, overweight people, gun owners – he was an equal opportunity, nanny-state regulator of the worst order.
Meanwhile, President Trump has been so destructive and disruptive to the game in Washington, D.C., Biden has become the establishment’s support donkey. The folksy, Amtrak-riding, working-class fella from Scranton was always a romanticized version of the former vice president, but it’s certainly the furthest thing from being true today.
Biden wants huge tax hikes, open borders, limitless abortion, and trillions in spending on a man-made climate change hoax that proudly destroys good-paying energy jobs.
Oh, and he wants to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control. Yes, the same Beto O’Rourke who said the government simply “wouldn’t allow” certain legal firearms any longer. “Yes, we’re going to take your guns,” he said proudly in a 2019 debate.
There’s nothing about anyone in the Democrat’s field that’s moderate, including their newly invented front-runner Joe Biden. Sure, they may act moderate. They may say the right moderate things. But how do they govern and vote? What are their policies? . . .
Maybe it is. But the dirty little secret is they know Biden and every other Democrat want the very same things Bernie does. Quite frankly, they’re not uncomfortable with it either. But they have to win first. So they want their socialism sold softly.
Just don’t call it “moderate.”