Congress should send you $1,000—and another $500 for each of your children—as soon as possible. (not a joke.)
By Jason Furman at the WSJ
The Case for a Big Coronavirus Stimulus

Mask would not work over the beard anyway, and we know how important looking cool is
This is what is ‘out there’!
JasonFurman is a professor of practice at Harvard, was chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, 2013-17.
Mr. Furman is the Democratic Party’s “IDEAL”.
He is a former chairman of Obama’s “Council of Economic Advisors” (imagine the kind of economic “advice” this guy was giving! Easy to understand now why the Obama years were an economic disaster for America…remember Biden’s “summer of recovery”? Following that summer, America continued with record number of working age Americans ‘out of the workforce’, record number of food stamp recipients, persistent unemployment?
Furman’s second qualification to be the “Ideal Democrat Thinker” is that he is teaching elite students how to “fundamentally transform ” America into a “Bernie-ville”…he’s a Harvard “educator!
Thirdly, Furman gets his ‘thoughtful solutions’ onto the Wall Street Jourfnal’s Op-Ed pages.
(If you would like to learn more about Professor Furman’s solution to the Coronavirus crisis you’ll have to find it on the internet yourself. The subhead should tell you all you need to know…hand out ‘free’ money to voters…both Bernie and “The Sleepy One” can jump on that idea.) dlh