Monthly Archives: April 2020

A question for GOP primary voters: “Is Marianette just an Establishment ‘Marionette’?

Our DLH posed the question. The primary ad almost writes itself given the personages in the state’s Republican establishment that have endorsed Mariannette Miller-Meeks.  They would have been wise to stay out and be comfortable with the good sense of … Continue reading

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Lighten up on Joey Fingers

Seriously REPUBLICANS AND CONSERVATIVES WILL RUE THE EFFORT TO ‘EXPOSE’ BIDEN THIS FAR AHEAD OF THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION – The Door Becomes Open For Retracting the Nomination from “Joey Fingers” and Awarding it to, possibly, “The Most Admired Woman in … Continue reading

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Another rollicking post by Joe Dan Gorman at Intellectual Froglegs

Joe Dan Gorman at Intellectual Froglegs.  I don’t care what you say, this is funny stuff  (while also “dead to rights” about the Wuhan fiasco)   It is thirty minutes of the best in skewer the liberals humor.  First five … Continue reading

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The case for Bobby Schilling for Congress vs Mariannete Miller-Meeks

Know Schilling by his votes on key cultural and other conservative issues See the shameful grubbing-for-votes hit piece Miller-Meeks mailed attacking Schilling at the end of this post Ask MarianneteMiller-Meeks which votes Bobby Schilling cast as a member of Congress … Continue reading

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How ya gunna keep em ~~

in the employ ~~ after they’ve seen 3p Another good reason to end the shutdown and stop printing money.  Via The Daily Wire: Half Of U.S. Workers Can Make More On Unemployment After Emergency Benefits About half of U.S. … Continue reading

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Journalistic travesties

You wanna see “Fake News”? This is as amateurish an effort as we are likely to see…but it is a New York Newspaper… A spike in New Yorkers ingesting household cleaners following Trump’s controversial coronavirus comments The population of New … Continue reading

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More data showing COVID shutdowns are not any better at saving lives

Shutdowns are good at devastating economies and prompting death dealing sequelae of their own   V’PAC In addition to the post by dlh yesterday, here is a related article, this from the Wall Street Journal. We set forth two synopsis of … Continue reading

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THE DATA ARE IN; STOP THE PANIC AND END THE TOTAL ISOLATION FIVE FACTS BEING IGNORED BY THOSE CALLING FOR NEAR-TOTAL LOCKDOWN (Some excerpts; entire article, including details in support of the ‘five facts’, can be found at the link … Continue reading


Careful, America or we could get something like Andy Cuomo, or, even . . .

Aw No! Say it ain’t so, Joe. Republicans, Trump supporters, conservatives… be warned! ‘Sleepy Joe’ is ‘our guy’ for the Democrat nomination. Don’t show America what he really is until he is ‘for sure’ their nominee!   Via PJ Media: ELECTION 2020 … Continue reading

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Liz Wheeler at OAN makes key points about the COVID lock-down

This gal is more effective and a truer conservative than Tomi Lahren*  Well worth the few minutes. Here is another COVID related commentary by her, now almost a month old.  The questions here were/are key and are now being answered, … Continue reading

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