The “positives” from the President, First Lady, and staff members testing positive

Let the Stats Be with Them (and us)

We believe as we pray for what should be the normal turn of events  that the First Lady Melania, President Trump and staff members who have tested positive for a coronavirus  will, like the hundreds of thousands who have tested positive as well, for lack of a better word, “recover” unperturbed other than by the overwrought restrictions politics more than real science imposes.

It is not up to me, and other avenues to a teaching moment are available, but if it were me,  I would consider playing the odds,  and not sequester unless symptomatic — but I recognize the media storm from doing so would be horrendous — and the media desperately wants Trump off of the stage.

The potential positives from as much normalcy as possible are greater than any risk because (I believe) like the hundreds thousands, indeed millions of others, 99% who did not die, found out there was not a strong correlation with their loved ones catching the disease.     R Mall

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One Response to The “positives” from the President, First Lady, and staff members testing positive

  1. Thomas Nelson says:

    Hope Hicks is welcome to isolate at my house.

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