Do others from this area have the same impression?

One of very few yard sign locations in the neighborhood, maybe the only one! The Trump sign I had to buy because the campaign was not providing them or chronically running out. It was selectively knocked over once early on but has been left alone since moving it closer to the house.
My job has not allowed quite as much prowling of streets this season, especially as compared to previous election cycles when I put up signs for candidates in locations scattered throughout the county. Nevertheless my impression is that there are substantially fewer yard signs of all persuasions, especially short of expectations as regards the presidential race (also fewer pumper stickers). We have heard that the local GOP HQ can’t keep Trump signs in stock — where are they — apparently not in yards.
There is much to critique this cycle about the political apparat at the Republican Party of Iowa (and from the Trump campaign) especially as regards the early push for vote by mail and the ridiculous repetition, wastefulness and worthlessness of just about all of it. We hope to expound on the matter in coming days. For one thing we consider ourself to be an “expert” on ads run on one or two local radio stations during the day. The demographics of the stations are not diverse but on one especially the Dems absolutely dominate to a sickening level, running a half-dozen ads every half-hour for the Democrat U.S. Senate and House candidates, easily 2 to 1 over the Republican presence. If the same level is being bought on other stations they are spending incredible amounts of money.
What are you readers seeing on cable and broadcast TV — how about social media and pop-up ads and the like? Let us know an impression of the ratio.
PS: Room for more at the location above