Veritaspac has enlisted its resident playwright, Kneel Simon, to write a one-act play that captures the most remarkable moment in American history since “Hamilton”:
The scene: the ‘7th floor’ at the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Wash. D.C. (offices of the senior leadership of the FBI); in the office of the Agency’s director:
Director Christopher Wray: “(Name of Director’s secretary redacted), “Get in here! Who the hell was in charge of gathering up and destroying all documents possibly damaging to Joe (Biden) and his family?!”
Secretary: “That would be (redacted) sir.”
Wray: In a loud, booming voice: “Well get him in here!”
Secretary: “Yessir”.
(Redacted): “You wanted to see me, sir?”
Wray: “Yes. You idiot. Did you see last night’s debate?”
(Redacted): “Yessir.”
Wray: “Then you saw the ‘press conference’ preceding it?”
(Redacted): (hesitating)”Yessir”
Wray: “Then who the hell is the “Boobalooski”, or whoever, that claims to have cell phones and email evidence of the ‘big guy’s’ corruption?”
(Redacted): (in a stuttering response)” uh, er, I’m not sure, sir.”
Wray: (in a contorted rage): “Weren’t you charged with getting rid of such evidence? How the hell did you miss this?!”
(Redacted): (Stuttering response, largely unintelligible) “I…I…don’t know, sir, we ..(unintelligible)…”
Wray: “I’ll deal with you later…but, let me tell you what you’re going to do now…and I mean ‘ASAP NOW’!…you get hold of this Boobaloski, or whoever he is, and tell him he’s to be in my office within the next half hour. He’s to bring all his “evidence”, cell phones, emails, any documents, with him. He’s not to go to the congressional committee or to meet with Senator Johnson. The FBI is taking over this investigation, As of Now!! You got it, S–thead?”
(Redacted): “Yessir”.
Wray; “And what are you going to do with the stuff ‘Bumkowski’ (sic) brings you?”
(Redacted): “Destroy it, sir. Just like the other evidence!”
Wray: “Right!! Now, get going, dumbass. Get out…and…you better not f–k this up! You understand?”
(redacted): “Yessir, (unintelligible mumble). “
Wray: “What did you say?”
(redacted): “Nothing, sir.”
Wray: “Good! Now, get outta here!” dlh

From the play: “I do solemnly swear to protect my brothers, to slow walk anything I agree to do, to dodge questions, to obfuscate and offer every excuse in the book to delay as justice delayed is a feature of my service when it can be employed to protect our network, so help me God.”