“Conservative “ TreeHouse…Really???!!!
Here is an example of the “Conservative” TreeHouse taking a predictable and typical liberal/lefty viewpoint. One might argue against my take on it but I contend that this and future pieces will reflect a similar leftist approach. dlh
“Western Propaganda for Ukraine is Epic”…?????
“The stories of the 13 guards on an island telling the Russian naval ship to fuck off… yeah, it was a lie (turns out they surrendered). The “Ghost of Kyiv” pilot, the lady with the sunflower seeds etc., now all recognized as lies and propaganda. And do not expect it to stop, because it won’t. Thus, the nature of warfare for your mind.”
And here is another story that I contend supports my growing suspicion that the CTH has been “Drudgeized”. LT. Col. (Ret) Douglas MacGregor is a thinly disguised ‘deepstater”, whose military rank does not justify all of his opining on matters of the highest levels of miltary and foreign affairs. (His Lt. Col. Rank is akin to a small plant manager in a large corporation.)
Along with “Tulsi Gabbard, MacGregor is among Tucker Carlson’s most favorite guests. (They’re two of a kind)
All of which, sadly, makes me a little suspicious of Tucker (He believes ‘wars are bad’, and thinks that’s a unique view) He has been and to an extent, still is, a favorite of mine. But his obvious affection for these two’non-conservatives’ makes me a little uneasy. dlh
What intellectual crap you peddle. The country is being had — AGAIN! — by the CIA and other parties interested in using Russia as a whipping boy to distract the blunderheads who watch American television. Wake up, stupid, before it’s too late and the clowns in Deep State get us into a war.