Reduce Putin’s hegemony and source of financing – drill baby drill

Links to commentaries that put US national interest in perspective and maintaining that projection of our interests (which includes freedom’s interest) must be sober, realizing how our capabilities have been gutted by Democrats.  We should be on a war footing of sorts in terms of energy production and rebuilding our defense capabilities (and force projection capabilities) including defending our borders and being an arsenal of freedom. The countries that ought to be on a war footing first are freedom lovers in Europe.

Clarity on Russia, Ukraine and the American National Interest.

Volodymyr Zelensky Transforms Germany — and Europe

Without an American Renewal, Putin’s Aggression Is Only a Preview of Troubles Ahead

Until Joe Biden Lets U.S. Oil Freely Flow, He’s Complicit In Putin’s War Crimes

For The Sake Of National Security, We Must Reopen The Alaska National Wildlife Refuge

The enthusiastic forfeiture of energy dominance has gouged American pocketbooks and limited the Biden administration’s diplomatic menu.

President Vladimir Putin’s regime is funded primarily by its lucrative oil and gas revenues as a majority of its exports. As the United States joined Europe to ramp up its dependence on Russian imports last year, the Kremlin generated $119 billion from its resources, a third of its entire budget, according to reporting by Reuters citing Russia’s Finance Ministry.

The regime also exploited its abundant oil and gas reserves to tie western supply to Moscow’s resources allowing Putin to weaponize Russian energy. Russia doubled its production of nuclear-generated electricity to allow it to trade away its oil and gas to foreign nations, and funded climate activists in western nations to protest domestic shale operations.


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