Does Hunter’s ‘daddy’ really think the average American is stupid?

Surely your typical Democrat voter won’t interpret this statement as
‘whispering Joey’ obviously intended them to. :

“He then empathized with everyday people who have been hit hard by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and out-of-control inflation, which hit a 40-year high last month. Meanwhile, companies like Amazon and Walmart saw record-high profits.” (Just a little subjective analysis by the left-leaning Daily Mail.)

(Biden):”For most Americans, the last few years were very hard — stretching them to the breaking point — but billionaires and large corporations got richer than ever,” he said. ‘Right now billionaires pay an average 8 percent on their total income.’
‘Now, I’m a capitalist … if you make a billion bucks, great, just pay your fair share. “Pay a little bit. A firefighter and a teacher pay more than double — double — the tax rate that a billionaire pays.’

“A firefighter and a teacher pay more than double…double…the tax rate that a billionaire pays.”
dlh : A person with an income of “1 billion bucks”, currently will pay 80 million “bucks” IN TAXES.

A TEACHER OR A FIREFIGHTER making, say $40.000, using Joie’s ‘tax math’, will pay $6,400 !

Just exactly how much is “a Fair Share”?

Does anyone doubt that “Joey” actually hopes the average American voter will think that he has pointed out a terribly unfair impact of current tax policy on ordinary citizens (that they pay more than the super-rich!) ?        dlh

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