Term limits please

It has been said that politics is war conducted by other means.  I think maybe it ought to be thought of as such — not the bloody part and only assuming proper sides and a republic as the playing field.  One reason often given for opposing term limits is that mature experienced politicians are likely to compromise, supposedly for the good of the country. But looking at the results from perpetual office holders compromise has not had a whole lot to recommend it given the leviathan created under its guise. Compromise is more like a irreversible ratchet for more government and bureaucracy.   The longer the “mature seasoned adults” are in the embrace of the beltway (and themselves) it seems government just keeps getting bigger — more programs — less freedoms.  Term limits can help to cut the tentacles / grabasstic* impulses of the swamp denizens.  The picture above could have come from a National Geographic issue showing the procreators of the leviathan. It depicts what goes on when supposed “opposites” (liberals and conservatives) hang around together a lot.

And this is their offspring:

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