Not really, but it makes a nice state flag banner slogan
This came over the transom from DH, former Iowa State Senator. It explains a lot
If you wonder the influence the federal government has on the State of Iowa
Consider Iowa Code section 17A.21:
17A.21 Inconsistency with federal law. If it is determined by the attorney general that any provision of this chapter would cause denial of funds or services from the United States government which would otherwise be available to an agency of this state, or would otherwise be inconsistent with requirements of federal law, such provision shall be suspended as to such agency, but only to the extent necessary to prevent denial of such funds or services or to eliminate the inconsistency with federal requirements. If the attorney general makes such a suspension determination, the attorney general shall report it to the general assembly at its next session. This report shall include any recommendations in regard to corrective legislation needed to conform this chapter with the federal law. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §17A.21]
Basically, if challenging an agency law requires us to lose federal dollars, the federal law prevails and we lose.
Our Liberties We Prize but our Federal Dollars We Prize More
Would love to have the time to research this more as to other states, (I would bet it is common – of the uniform code variety corruptions inculcated into so many states) the actual legal effect and the history of any formal application (or is just the fact it is on the books enough for bureaucrats and politicians to say their hands are tied?).
One thing I did find out — it has long been on the books — corresponding to the federalization of just about everything, with Republicans willing to go along. The Iowa Code section 17A.21 first appeared in the 1975 Iowa Code. Republican RINO Robert Ray was governor with Democrat Dale Cochran Speaker of the House and Democrat George Kinley Senate Majority Leader.
The current Republican leadership (they are in control) ought to have the guts to remove it and deal with the federalization case by case.