Old school liberal in Australia warns surveillance state is there and here

This cooee from SF is dead on mate.  Seriously dead on.  Every description is happening now, here, in the land of the free and home of the brave.  It’s all about safety don’t you know. The woke crowd who push this stuff, how woke are they when they do not understand the use of these tools and themselves as tools.  There is an embedded Youtube video of the same Australian Senator at the end of the letter expanding on the points. Thanks to SF for the forward.

Dear ,

These days it seems Australia’s fate is made in China, and we can thank the rise of “smart” technology.

Have you heard of “smart lights”, “smart poles”, “smart meters” and “smart appliances”?  

How about “smart grids,” “smart homes”, “smart neighbourhoods” and “smart cities”?

It’s time to come to grips with the danger of these “smart technologies” because governments are rolling them out at terrifying speed.

What’s so smart about this technology?

They’re mostly made in China and are loaded with sensors, cameras, microphones and they’re designed to watch, listen and track your every move.

Last week I did a breakdown of how this technology is being rolled out in our cities as we speak.  You can view that video on my YouTube page here:

The new “smart streetlights” and “smart poles” are all connected over a wireless network and allow the government an unprecedented intrusion into your life.

Some even have public address speakers to give instructions on how to behave.

In the UK and US, “smart poles” even have facial recognition, licence plate recognition and behaviour prediction software.

How long will it be before you have to assume that the streetlights and poles in your street are spying on you?

The new “smart meters” being pushed by governments allow energy companies to cut off your power when they think it’s necessary.

How convenient when the grid is under pressure from weather-dependent solar panels and wind turbines.

Think of all those Teal MPs who won’t be able to charge their electric vehicles!

Then marry this up with your new digital identity, the coming digital currency system our banks are pushing and a Chinese-style social credit system; and there you have your “smart city”.

Every move you make will be tracked.

Every transaction you make will be monitored.

Every time you criticise the government online or refuse to get your monthly “booster” injection, your social credit score will be docked.

…and with a poor social credit score; good luck travelling, getting a loan, or going for a beer with your mates at the pub.

This is the digital prison the globalist elites want us to live in.

The technology is already in full flight in China, where the Chinese Communist Party has deployed it in a brutal crackdown against lockdown protests these past few weeks.

Don’t be fooled by all this talk of “smart” technology – it’s there to monitor you, and no emergency justifies a CCP-style permanent government intrusion of your private lives.

We must resist the beginnings of this before their “smart technologies” make it impossible for us to do so.

The clock is ticking.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Antic
Liberal Senator for South Australia


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