Democrats lie so it is ok if Republicans lie — NO!

Jokes on all of you

George Santos is a joke on the political establishment and Republicans are buffoons if they do not get rid of this guy.

Did people vote for him because they enjoyed that he was the most flagrant lier?

Republicans can (barely) afford to give this up but not doing so is worse

Can’t wait for Brandon to comment on this congressman-elect, that would be fun. It would be great if White House reporters of a conservative bent would ask for comment.  There is no good response from Biden or his spokeholes.

Santos will either be the poster child that Dems and Repubs are all alike or even worse that politics is just about who can lie the best, the slickest, not get caught or have the right support because “he’s our guy”

That Democrats lost the district to him proves that they are not well thought of or inept, so it can be re-won. We think it possible that if Republicans do the right thing, absolutely repudiate him (while pointing out Democrat similarities) call for his resignation that they can rekindle a brand and win again in a special election in the district while salving their reputation elsewhere.

For internal and external reasons better they loose this one than have that throbbing boil on the elephant’s ass.  Of course the problem so many politicians from both parties have with this matter is how much it strikes close to home, personally or reflecting on various  caucus notables.  But Democrats have the most problem commenting given the Biden residency.

Culling this clown from the herd is an opportunity for Republicans.  Of course that is not likely what Democrats would do in a similar situation and that is sort of the point.  The payout is having a calling card of sorts or not being tuned out by a strong percentage of noparty voters. Being able to claim a comparatively superior level of purity, however blemished is superior in many peoples decision matrix.

Santos said the lies “won’t prevent him from being an “effective” congressman”.  Regrettably as to what passes for “effective” and also as to moral equivalence with many of his peers — that may be true, but no serious party with a claim to righteousness can sustain him or be sustained by him.

Regarding resume “enhancers” that he used (lied about) to get elected — the thing is, there is an inauthenticity about the whole checkmark approach to candidate resumés which this punk played to the hilt.  The relevance is weak even when they are true. A Harvard grad or military service or a certain race, or this or that, does not make someone the better representative or leader. Plenty of bad policy emits from people with all of those check marks.

Related reading: Politics Without Principle Will Devolve Into Chaos

Note this post was added to from original posting

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