Joseph Bauer article at Townhall: The Falsehood of White Privilege. takes on the concepts of systemic racism and white privilege. Commending it to you first, we embellish on the worthy article herein:
Yes the Dems did invent the term “systemic racism” and they are perpetrators of it in the form of “affirmative action”
What is more “systemic” than that concept?
If you build race based requirements into institutions as part of assumptions about another race — is that not systemic? Building in systemic racism to supposedly combat systemic racism is racism.
It is also clear that liberal ideology is the causes of the underperformance they link to race, as pointed out in the article — aggravated by the welfare state. Welfare dependence is affecting whites as well but the advanced systemic sequelae is on blacks because of race linked presumptions that any race would absorb about their alleged situation (what they are told their situation is).
Victimhood and its blame counterpart white privilege are “systemic” sociological avenues of resentment and racial division by victim status.
Equal opportunity without lowering of standards is what is demanded by human nature. Any special help should not be race focused and should be contingent and private — with government being racially blind. The strengthening of family units of whatever race would be the greatest boon to universal welfare improvement.