Abortion is legal in Iowa half way through a pregnancy — up to 20 weeks (and even beyond depending on the loopholes deployed). The state is becoming an abortion mecca as hereby states have chosen to protect innocent human life. The baby shown here (at about one pound) using intrauterine fiber-optic photography would still be eligible for poisoning or slicing and dicing by the abortionist.
Our local state legislators need to hear from area residents in support of the right to life TODAY.
Find your state legislators here. Linking from the look up will get you their e-mail addresses and or the Capitol phone number
Short sweet message — Dear (legislator) Please support the Heartbeat legislation in the special session that has been called.
The matter essentially is that the same bill proposed now to protect the right to life was passed four years ago (read about “the why” this is necessary below). But remember as well that it was claimed by the usual suspects that passing it back then would be an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party, even the death of the party. Instead, Republicans in recent elections at every level have built their strength in this state.
The Iowa legislature has been called into special session this Tuesday (tomorrow) for the sole purpose of addressing so called Heartbeat legislation that would protect many unborn babies (with exceptions) extending from the time a heartbeat is detected by common instrumentation in standard medical office practice.
It is a longer story than this but suffice it to say the special session has been called by pro-life Governor Reynolds and is necessitated because the Iowa Supreme Court, deadlocked over a procedural dispute regarding the removal of an injunction applied to similar legislation that was passed by an earlier legislature but was enjoined by a district judge prior to this same Iowa Supreme Court’s reversal of previous holdings regarding abortion regulation. Got that.
The arguments about the propriety of directing the lower court to lift the injunction can get a bit arcane. Further, in reading the competing opinions it concerns us that the some on the court might be opting for a strict scrutiny test for abortion regulations rather than a rational basis test — the latter in keeping with what ought to be a presumption that legislation properly passed is presumed constitutional — the burden being on appellants.
We hope/plan in another post to get into the anomalies involved in the warring opinions and dissents from the justices in recent Iowa Supreme Court abortion litigation.
Previously the Iowa Supreme Court was hostile to the right to life of the unborn, for the most part disallowing abortion regulation but now, at least, holding (as of last year about this time) that the Iowa Constitution does allow for abortion regulation as was the case for most of its history as a state. That history was only interrupted by the US Supreme Court’s imposition on all states of the abortion license under the horrendous rubric of Roe V Wade and its companion case Doe v Bolton. Those decisions preempted any meaningful protection at anytime before birth, imposing on America the most wide-open abortion policy in the Western world.
Subsequent US Supreme Court holdings marginally allowed for additional regulation but even prohibitions on late term abortion were ineffectual and non-existent in some states, as is true today. The US Supreme Court abandoned Roe V Wade to the ash heap of very dark history in the Dobbs decision of last year. Iowa supposedly has a 20 week abortion prohibition (halfway through pregnancy) that proabortionists did not challenge at the time of their achievement of an injunction on the Heartbeat legislation. They chose to concentrate on Iowa becoming a mecca for abortion from surrounding states that have passed more protective legislation like that proposed for a vote this week.
States can regulate and protect for the right to life which many states have done — affirmed by the US Supreme Court and the Iowa Supreme Court.
Inherent in this special session is the presumption (however not the rule) that by re-passing virtually the same legislation now enjoined that the three recalcitrant Iowa Supreme Court members refusing to direct the lower court to remove the injunction in light of all that has gone on will be placated and hopefully a Hearbeat bill will finally go into effect.
Contact information for a quick note or as lengthy as you want to impart as long as it gets done is as follows:
General look up with links to your legislator (State House and State Senate):
Political implications:
The county, district, state, and national Republican platforms are all strongly pro-life. Republicans have advanced there standing overall in the statehouse, statewide offices, with candidates supportive of the right to life. Iowa’s Congressional and US Senate delegations — Grassley, Ernst, Miller-Meeks, Hinson, Nunn, Feenstra all take pro-life positions and have pro-life voting records — all won their most recent elections, all but one post Dobbs, including Nunn who beat an incumbent Democrat they were desperate to save, all while facing an aggressive onslaught of pro-abortion histrionics.
We just went through an election where Scott Webster running for an open State Senate seat was up against a virulent pro-abortion candidate DOCTOR (as she never failed to mention) Mary Kathleen Figaro whose focus was to attack Scott Webster’s pro-life views ( we have the text and and can get the buy frequency of her radio spots) — she practically owned the popular radio station 97x and did similar spots on other media we ran into. Scott pretty much ignored the attack as to a direct response, simply stating his views, but clearly Figaro’s message was out there to the effect that ~~ Scott Webster wants to put women in jail ~~ bla, bla, bla.
The result — he won, actually expanding on the expected margin in the Republican district.”
The phenomenal success of Luana Stoltenberg in her Democrat district that abuts Websters is of note — again, the main line of attack of her opponent was her “extremist” pro-life views — but with no help from the state party — she won in a double-digit deficit district for Republicans.
Phyllis Thede used the “protect abortion rights” as the prime area of attack on Mike Vondron. He won solidly.
Death for Republicans for being pro-life — where is thy sting?
Being a Republican means supporting the right to life. People realize the association and support Republicans for their commitment to conservative values against the utter extremism of Democrats.
Iowa protected the right to life for the overwhelming history of its existence as a state. I plead with you to restore in part the protection of the law for the right to life that I had, our parents, their parents, their parents’ parents and generations more which the proposed heartbeat bill will help do. Exceptions (certain unborn children left out) are built into the bill, for disability and the crime of the father. That is what it is but the bill is still supportable as it advances protection. The bill is in keeping with Republican values and greatest history of Iowa values.
Again, please vote yes in the special session for the proposed Heartbeat bill.