For now stop beating the dead horse — Joe Biden

Let ’em think there is life in Old Flea Biscuit

Dear Republican strategists and conservative messagers: The easy punches against Biden may not be the best way this moment to guarantee Dems loose. We want all Dems to loose so go after the Dems as a party at this time.

Why showcase Joe’s dementia NOW prior to the Dems possibly being locked in? Concentrate on expressing how bad Dem policies are, how corrupt the whole party is, that is a party building strategy for Republicans and helps make many of those ballots the Dems harvest actually be Republican votes across the board.

Interestingly, one idea out there is that the Dems will bump Kamala but keep Joe out of internal necessity in order to reassure people that everything will be OK even with the dementia ridden creep officially still President. As pliable as Joe is with dementia, that is his feature. The Dems will stay with him while cranking up the election machine.

Biden/ HARRIS is particularly handicapping combination even with the machine. But Joe’s crime family needs the position to be safe and keep the grift running but because Harris is no help but there are other racial picks/spoils candidates Dems could install in that position. But Harris won’t go easily either.  So they have a real problem. Why induce them out of it?!  Make Biden /Harris the easy choice for them.

When the enemy could be in the process of foundering, don’t help them right the situation with article after article pointing out how out of it Dementia Joe is. It is arguably a HUGE error for conservatives, Republicans and Trump constantly pointing out how dementia-ridden Joe Biden is PRIOR to the Democrat convention. Concentrate on how bad Democrat policies are, not so much Joe’s incapacities just now.

Sure the Dem apparat knows how bad Biden is but let them think it isn’t quite so bad and that the situation is controllable. Why scare them into doing something reasonable? Why not a little rope-a-dope, a little “don’t throw us into the briar patch PLEASE? Why give them more incentive to replace Joe at their convention? Campaigning is a game. Game their system. Make them live by their rules and keep Joe.

The Dem bench is very weak so we do not think anyone with any name ID works for them even against Trump and even though at any point Trump could say something stupid, competing with Biden for expressed inanities. As we pointed out in a previous post, Trump’s agreeing to debate before the Dem convention was knee-jerk bravado like Biden’s challenge as far as we can tell. Trump could have easily plausibly said it would be inappropriate to debate prior to the conventions. It is not like Trump has not avoided debates before.  Let them keep Joe under wraps, then roll tape after they are locked in.

Again, concentrate now on expressing how bad Dem policies are, how corrupt the whole party is, that is a party building strategy for Republicans and helps make many of those ballots the Dems harvest actually be Republican votes.

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