Lack of commentary here at V’PAC


Some may ask why the dearth of articles of late on this site, or, having stumbled onto the site concluded it is inactive.  Well we fancy ourselves an “influencer” dedicated to keeping the Republican Party conservative. There are more ways than one to skin a cat and we have concentrated of late on reader commentary submitted to popular conservative web sites.

Unfortunately OPBs (other people’s blogs) have content limitations, — including disallowing embedded pictures or other graphics and videos.  Formatting and length limitations usually pertain. And they are subject to someone else’s censorship. Much of the same is true of social media sites, which we have never been much into anyway. That said  this site has been neglected. People will be voting in Iowa shortly and there are some things that bear commenting on. We intend to be better at posting here.

Now we know we are not very influential and could do a better job of not only editing but promoting. But all of that takes time and this is a part-time vocation we have to attend to around our work and other responsibilities.   And serious promoting takes money although skilled marketers  can go a long way. As for our content we are painfully aware it usually takes more effort to be succinct.

Perhaps the most this will ever be is a bit of a political diary. But it could also be for others supportive of our purposes who have a commentary in their heads that would benefit from a web site format that allows a more complete presentation than available on some social media platforms.  So we invite stand alone submissions and comments to our posts including appropriate graphics.

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