Scott County Republican Central Committee (SCRCC) candidate for Chairman Chuck Brockmann , a current Vice-Chair of the county party, responded to a letter he directly ascribes to current Chairman and candidate for reelection Jeanita McNulty. Her letter responded to an invitation sent by Brockmann to SCRCC members inviting them to a meeting identified as a “Chuck Brockmann for Chairman ” event as somehow surreptitious.
We posted that letter with our comments earlier in the week. As we pointed out the letter was signed Scott County Republican Party — not under any personal signature but for which we have no doubt was at least authorized by McNulty. An irony was that the putative letter from McNulty decried Brockmann for implying a meeting was an official act of Scott County Republicans (when it did not) by way of implying her letter was a formally approved action. More of our comments follow Brockmann’s set forth below:
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Chuck Brockmann <[email protected]> Sent: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 22:50:53 -0500 (EST) Subject: Chuck Brockmann’s response to Jeanita’s email
Fellow Scott Republicans and Supporters,
Chuck Brockmann here, I’m running for Chairman of the Scott County Republican Central Committee executive board in the upcoming election on March 6th. I’ve read the email Jeanita sent out today and her information is full of false accusations and slanderous lies.
For those that have not seen this email, I have attached it for you. I encourage you to read it as it represents the exact political nonsense that my team and I will end after we win the election. It is a desperate attempt to hang on to political power and I am terribly sorry she chose to send it to you.
At this time, I will only address one thing, my team and I will support and encourage all Central Committee members to remain neutral throughout the primary election process. After the primary, we encourage everyone to support the winner. We must unite and defeat the Democrats, and we can only do that together.
If necessary, I will address the rest of her falsehoods.
My team and I look forward to serving all of you on the Scott County Republican Central Committee.
Our comments in the previous post were sent to current Chairman McNulty at her G-mail address and to the official G-Mail address of Scott County Republicans. In those comments we inquired as to on what basis the organization’s bona fides were used — had (her) letter been vetted by at least all members of the Executive Committee. We have received no response to date from her or the “Scott County Republican Party”.
We support Brockmann to be the new Chairman of Scott County Republican Central Committee for his commitment to openness with committee members and he will facilitate the ability to contact one another. McNulty’s insular approach to meetings and proprietary attitude toward committee and delegate membership communication avenues is straight out of participation killing “Control Mongering 101” , which is on the resume of every party incumbent sycophant. It is unbecoming to all members and only aggravates any animosity, helping no one.
Guess the chairman Jeanita has not heard there is a “Revolution of Common Sense”
going on since the election of 2024 of which she is sooo proud