The Long Knives Might be the Dullest Ones in the Drawer

If there’s one endorsement that should immediately kill a candidacy, it seems to me,it is that of John McCain for any GOP hopeful. I think ol’ Willard would have been well advised to refuse to accept McCain’s endorsement. It makes Mitt the GOP’s 2012 McCain 2.0. Now, all Mitt has to do is ask McCain for campaign advice.

– Speaking of one time political geniuses whose “sell by” date has expired, Karl Rove is Exhibit A. In today’s WSJ, his column is headed,  “A Big Win for Romney in Iowa”. A good part of the piece is devoted to diminishing Santorum’s stature. And, of course, Rove wants GOP voters to know that Santorum “lost his reelection bid (in 2006) in a swing state by 18 points” (Rove doesn’t choose to note the mitigating circumstances one might attribute, in part, to himself…that is, the tremendous backlash to GWB in elections across the country)

– Then Dan Henninger, in his WSJ column refers to Romney as the GOP’s only “top tier” candidate who chose to run. He refers to Santorum, et al, as “benchwarmers.”  I’m getting very tired of “conservative” pundits constantly putting down the GOP field in favor of Romney.

– I hope, but am my usual pessimistic self, that the GOP “leadership” has an effective strategy to deal with BO’s dictatorial campaign effort (the recess appts. are just a hint of what’s coming) and the reprise of the payroll tax debacle. I just fear that McConnell/Boehner simply aren’t up to it.


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