Overheard at Panera, Caudillo Obama

. . . or  . . . there is at least one more major Crank in this world. We think the latter.

The article linked herein uncannily summarizes, virtually item by item, the fears, forebodings, indeed predictions, harped on by this publication’s Associate Editor and Chief Crank, with a few amen brothers thrown in by me.  Several times a week “in season” I saunter into the local Panera (when he is not wintering in Boca or wherever the hell he winters), to link up with our AE and find him hunched over three or four newspapers and a fired-up laptop.  The local Panera is a good place to observe some of the feeding and social habits of some clueless liberals and most predominantly, doctrinaire non-political types.  You know, the ones that the country depends on to set limits to government and other matters of importance. We are probably 50% of the conservatives in the establishment at any one time that we are there.

AE has often surmised that Hugo Chavez must be jealous of Generalissimo Obama, well maybe more like  . . . His Excellency, Eva Barack Hussein Stanley Ann Obama.  AE made the trenchant observation that Old Hugo (thank God dictatorial power doesn’t give one good health) must be jealous because he has never had as compliant a press corp as Obama has enjoyed (that would be press CORPSE if you are reading in Obamanese).   But enough of the “we told you so’s, ” even if we didn’t get a chance to.

This article by Mark Hendrickson, which appears in American Thinker, is a succinct litany of the political aggrandizement, strong elements of which we have already seen, and the rest that will unfold if this country returns Obama to power.  Fearfully commended to you.


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