Monthly Archives: April 2012

QC Times Will Be Right on Top of This

Brought to our attention through The Free Beacon The Obama campaign highlighted the story of an Iowa woman Tuesday who said she receives her health insurance because of the Affordable Care Act and its provisions concerning pre-existing conditions. One problem: The woman … Continue reading

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There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the Prof noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back … Continue reading


The Chains That Bind

Liberal Democrat Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) made a startling prediction last night on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show. Rep. Fattah suggested that Barack Obama would benefit politically from high unemployment. Here’s what he said: “…those people who are unemployed, they’re not … Continue reading

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Raw Deal 3.0 — Scott County Prime Example of Need for Caucus Reforms

Letter to the Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa (RPI) Caucus Review Committee,    Bill Schickel,  cc to RPI  Chairman A J Spiker  and Executive Director Chad Olsen.   The Iowa Republican is also following the committee’s work. Their input can … Continue reading


Get Rich Quick Scheme


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Republican Second Congressional District Convention

Republican Second Congressional District Convention  –  State Central Committee Elections Raw Results — There were 546 in attendance at the beginning of the Republican Second District Convention held Saturday in Mount Pleasant. Each of Iowa’s four districts are authorized four … Continue reading

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QC Times Good at Keeping Straight Face

Here’s the best one liner of the day from standup comic, Karen Metcalf, who moonlights as a “facilitator of the healthcare reform forum for Progressive Action for the Common Good”: Noting that her group supports Obamacare, Ms. Metcalf told the QC … Continue reading

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Issue Boarding


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Two Scott County Activists Running for State Central Committee

Saturday’s District Republican Convention in Mt Pleasant includes the election of four members from the district who will sit on the State Central Committee (SCC).  There are seven announced candidates from which to choose four.  Two of them are from … Continue reading

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Raw Deal 2.5 — The ABCurdity of the Scott County Republican Alternate List

We previously commented in these pages as to how Ron Paul supporters were short changed on delegates and alternates and largely relegated to the back of the bus for the Republican district and state conventions, no doubt in a show … Continue reading

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