Don’t Take an Important Issue Off the Table

Gary Bauer, President of Campaign for Working Families has a daily feed that we find informative, timely and optimistic. Today’s feed includes the following item which presses a theme that is near and dear to our heart . . . the need to mount an aggressive campaign.  Because it does not go far enough however we add a post script of our own.

Release The Documents!

No, I’m not talking about Mitt Romney’s tax returns. I’m talking about all of the documents and data that Barack Obama, unlike any president before him, has managed to hide from the American people with the collusion of the mainstream media.

We not only knew George W. Bush’s grades, we knew Rick Perry’s too! But Barack Obama has repeatedly refused to allow his grades to be released. Why? What is he hiding?

Is he a closet dunce instead of the intellectual giant the media present him as? Is there something about the courses he took — or did not take (like Economics 101) — that would embarrass him?

We heard incessantly that because of his family’s wealth, Bush was able to buy his way into elite institutions. Ronald Reagan had to work his way through college and went to a small school in Illinois for which he was mocked by the elite media. Why don’t know how Obama got through college? Where did the resources come from?

We know that there was a vacation which the Romneys put the family dog on the roof of their car. You can laugh that I am bringing this up, but I guarantee you that the Obama campaign has a list of dog owners. They will get a message from the Obama campaign a week before the election asking if they really want to put a man in the Oval Office who would treat his dog that way.

The Obama campaign in recent days has suggested that Mitt Romney may have committed a felony. On the other hand, Obama admitted that he used cocaine in the 70s. Has one reporter asked, “Mr. President, where did you buy your hard drugs? Cocaine is very addictive. Did you have any trouble kicking the habit? Is your dealer still alive? Why won’t you tell us? What are you hiding?”

Once again, for the president to credibly make an issue out of Romney’s failure to disclose his tax returns is so outrageous it makes my head explode! I would just say to the Romney campaign, do you get it now? They are going to make you into a monster, and you are going to spend the rest of your campaign on your heels unless you go after him with the same will to win as he has.

Governor Romney is a decent man, and I know this makes him uncomfortable. But frankly this isn’t about Gov. Romney’s sense of decency. It is about the future of this country. We lost the last time because John McCain was “too decent” to bring up Obama’s radical past. This country can’t afford four more years of the good guys being nice while freedom-grabbing socialists play by Chicago street rules.

Unfortunately, we fear that to much of the country the Obama campaign will successfully spin Romney’s refusal to be cowed as though he has something to hide. And so what becomes of the effort to shame Obama into releasing documents we fully suspect will dam his reelection hopes . . . things like school matriculation records, academic records, passport documents, employment files for he and Michelle, Illinois Senate records and much more hidden from the public to the extent that we would never hear the end of it, were a Republican to do the same.

Certainly Obama will continue the attack and innuendo with the obtuse support of the “objective”  mainstream media (the “objective” for them being to reelect Obama).  Why allow the checking of an important issue for us that could be used to so readily repudiate Obama and the media?  Romney should release five years worth of tax returns and records similar to what should be demanded of Obama, and don’t let up on the challenge to Obama and the shaming of mainstream media.      R Mall

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3 Responses to Don’t Take an Important Issue Off the Table

  1. Don Holmes says:

    I believe it is a bit naive to suggest, as my friend, Rogers’s comments do, that only by Romney releasing 5 years of his tax records, will his campaign then be able to legitimately challenge and “shame” Obama to release his many closely guarded secret records which presidents and candidates have routinely released.

    It is much like Obama’s “strategy” of unilaterally disarming America so that we can then legitimately demand that Russia and China follow our “lead”. Good luck with that!

    And, incidentally, why 5 years of tax records? What might be in that sixth year of Romney’s returns that he doesn’t want us to know? (Note to QC Times: material for a future editorial?)
    Don Holmes

  2. Romentum says:

    I agree with Dan. Putting out 5 years of tax records will only stir the Obamabots and their friends in the MSM into a frenzy wanting a 6th, 7th etc. years then put out. Romney has made his stand and told them they are only getting 2 years. I’m sure Holder would have had him arrested if things were as bad as MSNBC and the Huffpost say. Plus remember, Bill Clinton gushed over Romney’s “sterling business record” to Peeeeers Morgan last month on CNN.

    And this again……
    “We know that there was a vacation which the Romneys put the family dog on the roof of their car. You can laugh that I am bringing this up, but I guarantee you that the Obama campaign has a list of dog owners. They will get a message from the Obama campaign a week before the election asking if they really want to put a man in the Oval Office who would treat his dog that way.”

    Obama and his family used to EAT dogs!

  3. Don Holmes says:

    Never one to say, “I told you so”…well, maybe occasionally…but it’s good that Romney hasn’t yet released his last five years of tax records. We now know that he needs to release at least his last ten years…or maybe more!

    Harry R eid has alerted us to the “strong” possibility that ol’ Mitt didn’t pay any taxes for ten years. Harry, of course has that accusation on good authority from a “Bain investor”…doesn’t get any more unassailable than that: an anonymous tip verified by the word of Harry Reid?

    Of course, Harry didn’t tell us which ten years Mitt allegedly din’t pay any taxes. So maybe, to put this issue to bed once and for…and at the same time win the acclaim of the mainstream media…Mitt should consider releasing all of his tax records since the beginning of time! That should do it…BO and the media will thus be so ashamed.

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