Far be it for us to complain about the “award winning” QC Times, its editorial page, its devotion to service as a conduit for the Administration’s Press (AP), or how the copy editor selects or composes headlines and story placement. No wait. That is one of our missions, exposing local liberal media bias.
There is not an edition of the QCT of late that does not spin, soft pedal or deny the light of day to news detrimental to the Obama reelection effort. The front page of Saturday’s edition must be intended for inclusion in the QCT’s portfolio of “Headlines And Typography Serving Our Fawning Favoritism to Obama.” In journalistic circles they hope to please it is also known as the HATS OFF to Obama competition.
Shown above is the QC Times print edition front page for Saturday August 4th, folded to allow closer inspection on this Web page. The New York Times convention of placement of a key news story as the first column on the right under a headline (whether or not the headline story addresses another subject) is in play here. The headline (not shown) and picture (shown) dealt with a local embezzlement scandal.
Note that the at a glance “gee wiz — things are better” headline refers to 163K jobs being added. The sub-headline refers to the jobless rate edging up for July. Now which is more significant as an indicator of the health of a large economy . . . a rate of joblessness . . . or some raw figures that comprise that? Logically the jobless rate is the significant matter.
The headline could just as easily been set as:
Jobless Rate Edges Up Again
(with sub-headline)
165K Finding Jobs Not Enough to Lower Rate
Somehow we think that would have been the approach in describing an economic indicator during the term of a Republican president. RM