No, “pococurante” is not the name of a race horse. Although we thought so when we came across it as a synonym for “indifferent” or “nonchalant.” We wanted something”catchy” to describe many of Obama’s supporters, who should know better, and to introduce this post from our “resident crank” and senior editor. The question is will Obama be able to ride that “horse” to victory in 2012? By the way, while we continue the moniker out of tradition, “Crank’s” posts are always compelling and insightful.
This article from Tom Skoch, editor of The Morning Journal and, provides another good recap of just how far down the road this country is toward totalitarian govt.
Veritas readers do not need to be reminded that we have a Marxist in the Oval
office. It is more than a bit alarming, however, that there are many reasonably
well informed people…even many who will not vote for BO who continue to strain
mightily to give him the “benefit of the doubt” that he is truly a communist
Fine, but it is not conspiratorial to ask was he really a beneficiary of Bill Ayers’ talents and leftist connections? Did he really embrace the venom spewed by his spiritual mentor, Rev. Wright? Was he really raised and mentored by avowed communists…his mother and grandfather, Frank Marshall Davis? Is there anything to really be learned by access to
various school records, personal documents, etc which BO aggressively keeps
secret from the public?
These are just a few of the questions that without practically sworn
verification from BO himself, many people just don’t feel they want to, or need
to, know. They want “to be fair”. And, the media assures them that it’s “not
relevant”! DLH