Readers are asked to keep informed about “Agenda 21. ” It is a so called “sustainability plan” promulgated under the auspices of the United Nations that goes beyond existing property zoning regulations and building codes to extend government far deeper into control of private property. It is also an overwhelming power grab for bureaucracies.
Such a plan was adopted in the Fall of 2011 by the Scott County Board of Supervisors on a split vote, Supervisors Earnhardt (R) and Cusack (R) voted to table the matter. Supervisors Sunderbruch (R), Minard (R) went against Republican platform planks opposing such power grabs and Hancock (D), performing true to Democrat form, provided the necessary votes to proceed with infliction of this essentially Soviet style blueprint.
As part of the ongoing tweaking of our web site we have eliminated the masthead page dealing with “Local Issues” and instead created a posting category available at right to deal with county and municipal issues for now including Agenda 21. The link section regarding Agenda 21 remains.
Regarding Agenda 21 check out these stories from The Blaze.
Is the Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ a Hidden Plan for World Government? (Yes, Only it Is Not Hidden)