“No Difference Between Romney and Obama” – How Obtuse Can You Be?

courtesy lmaobama.com

“No difference between the candidates” is an incredible  statement we continue to see and hear from people, mostly from the politically lazy and ignorant “no party” or “independents.”   We also see it on blog sites usually “argued” in the most obtuse fashion by Democrat provocateurs and trolls.

But on occasion we see some libertarians and a few Ron Paul personal foot shooters argue the same points.   Most are people who would rather make noise than make a difference.  Nothing would satisfy them.

We certainly do not object to criticism of Republicans and Republican candidates,  indeed that is something we do.  But to argue that there is no significant difference or that Romney’s and Obama’s policies and Republican and Democrats approach to government are just as bad as the other’s is foolish, dangerous, and inimical to the short and long term purposes of liberty champions of whatever stripe.

This article via the great blog site at lucianne.com, an editorial from Investors Business Daily, makes a few stark points as regards what to expect from an Obama second term.

National Review has 689 reasons to defeat Barack Obama and news and policy wonks will appreciate the litany.  While the feature would benefit from applicable links to help refresh memories, many readers will recognize most of the scandals, high handed policy impositions, blunders and malfeasances.

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2 Responses to “No Difference Between Romney and Obama” – How Obtuse Can You Be?

  1. Gus says:

    This article lists the many things on Obama’s agenda for a second term. But it wonders how the president would accomplish them. There should be no confusion about this guy’s methods. We’ve already seen them. If he realizes that there are not enough Democrats like Dave Loebsack and Bruce Braley to ram these things through congress as was done with Obamacare, he will use his tried and true executive orders, however unconstitutionally he might wield them. He knows he’ll have cover from the media and any and all challenges through the courts will be decided too late for the damage to be averted or undone. Hear anything lately about Fast and Furious? How about Obama’s non-recess recess appointments which simply bypassed all congressional prerogatives and even if are eventually rescinded by the Court will have accomplished all of our aspiring dictator’s objectives. Same goes for his illegal and unconstitutional amnesty for illegal immigrants and his many other similar actions. Welcome to Our Dear Leader!

  2. Romentum says:

    You are exactly right about people who say this just being basically politcally lazy. And you are exactly right to use the Ron Paul people as an expample. I’m not bashing Paul ( I agree with him 95% of the time) but some of his supporters probably wouldn’t vote even if there were big differences between the two in their minds. Heck I know these people and last December leading up to the Caucus most of them wouldn’t find their polling place even if it was in their own living room.

    Also Gus bring up some great points. Particularly where in the hell has Fast and Furious gone? We know the MSM won’t talk about it but why isn’t Romney/Ryan? Why no mention at the convention last month from anybody? Can you guys imagine if the script was flipped and Holder had worked for Bush and was STILL working for Bush despite calls from the other party to step down? They would be running Super Pac ads 24/7 POUNDING him. Yet back in this reality we don’t hear a peep about the guy.

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