Obama Got Mike Tysoned

1. Obama got Mike Tysoned

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”Mike Tyson. This is exactly what happened tonight. Obama appeared to think that repeating his false attack ads about Romney with Romney next to him would give him some space, but the exact opposite occurred. Not only did Romney refute them over and over again, he punched back hard!  He pushed back to the point that Obama just stopped trying to defend his losing position on his attempt to say Romney wants a $5 Trillion tax cut. He pushed back on the false narrative that the Obama campaign attempted to paint about his position on Medicare.  He turned the table on every one of these issues and destroyed Obama. Romney didn’t just show up to be in the fight, he showed up to win it.

2. Obama just isn’t good at debates/talking
Obama can sure give an awesome barn burner of a speech when he is in front of an adoring crowd/media with his teleprompter. Nobody can argue against that.  But when faced with having to talk off the cuff he just plain sucks.  He stutters and ums and uhs over and over again. Even crazy Joan Walsh from MSNBC/Daily Beast was horrified by this tonight as she indicated on her twitter.  The debate statistics tonight showed that Obama got almost 5 more minutes of speaking, er stuttering, time in more than Romney.  Yet Romney got in almost 900 more words than Obama!  And Romney had 217 words per minute compared to Obama’s 172.  Bottom line Obama really does need his teleprompter.
Source-  Debate Post-Mortem: Fast-Talking Romney For ‘The People’ As Obama Asks Gingerly If ‘Got Medicare?’ : zerohedge

3. Obama drank the McCain part 2 kool-aid
Obama completely underestimated the passion, enthusiasm, and confidence that Romney would bring to the debate.  I honestly don’t blame him though because they all did.  For the past two months all we have been hearing about is how the Romney campaign is just like John McCain’s from the media.  This culminated with the Veritas piece I wrote last week about the ivory tower Republicans on our side, David Brooks and Peggy Noonan, declaring as much.  So Obama living in his own insulated adoring media bubble really had no chance when a real candidate walked on stage and started hammering him relentlessly. Not the fictitious one that the media sold him and others to be.          Romentum

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