Stunning Hypocracy of Warren Buffet, Washington Post, . . .

Here is a gem for those of us who have long regarded Warren Buffett as an
ungrateful hypocrite . . . and who hold similar sentiments toward liberal media corporations and their pursuit of shareholder value while fomenting resentment of capitalism.

Rich beyond the comprehension of most of us, Mr. Buffett, who also owns a major stake in the Obama endorsing Washington Post, spends much of his time these days trashing the capitalist system that made his fortunes possible and promoting the Marxist dreams of his best buddy Barack.

The “Oracle of Omaha’s” hypocrisy is stunning. While he deplores the low taxes
he’s “forced” to pay, his firm has fought a ten year battle to avoid paying a
billion dollar tax bill the IRS says it owes.

Warren is also a tireless campaigner on behalf of the death tax. This while he has shielded his vast fortune from any estate taxes by diverting it to the Gates Foundation.
Apparently, Mr. Buffett feels he prefers to determine when, where, and how his
$40 billion (or so) estate will be disbursed rather than giving it to President Obama
and his bureaucracy to be wisely redistributed.

Ironically, Warren is hailed for his generosity and yet, it is the average
taxpayer who is subsidizing his magnanimity. As he has insured that the US
Treasury will see none of the “revenue” from his estate, it will be we “other”
taxpayers who will be asked to make up its “loss”(est. in linked article to be about $23 billion if his fond hopes for restoration of the the death taxes are realized).

And now, as they scramble to enrich themselves (and their stockholders) before BO’s “tax the rich” plans become reality, we see the stark  liberal hypocrisy practiced by Buffett and his fellow”compassionate liberals”…including the Starbucks and Costco chiefs… and the Washington Post . . .all big Obama supporters.  DLH

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