Meet the tops in their fields.
According to Maxim Magazine the #2 Greatest Movie Sleazeball of All Time was “lets make a deal” Harry Ellis as portrayed by Hart Bochner in Die Hard. Never mind the names, if you saw the movie you will remember the character. He was all about doin’ the deal, anything else was just none of his bizzness.
Now meet perhaps the #2 greatest real life corporate coms
ymp simp sleazeball of all time — GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt, head of Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Here is what he had to say about Red China: “The one thing that actually works, state run communism a bit– may not be your cup of tea, but their government works.” That’s it Jeffie, that’s all you have to say . . . just another customer . . . “Xi, booby, I’m your white night . . . lets make a deal. ”
Listen to the interview. Immelt’s demeanor comes off as good natured, his substance, detestable. How is his actual statement not communist sympathetic? It refers to a specific government, that happens to be Marxist, totalitarian, brutal, evil to the core. Immelt . . . orange pekoe, human slaughter, whatever. Hey, evil works.