We could add this to the long list of threats, intimidation, vandalism, and bizarre behavior by leftist “leaders”, Democratic politicians (“there will be blood”), and MSM “personalities” which is an integral part of liberal/far left/ Democrat Party “strategy” for “transforming” America (much as Mao transformed China).
And where are the self righteous, social justice seeking editorial writers of 3rd tier newspapers, including the QC Times? Why wringing their hands over the terrible abuses of the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, and stingy Conservatives and the way they practice “uncivil discourse.” DLH
That is just how the game is played. Fox News contributor attacked by Union pukes and NOBODY outside of Fox or a couple of blogs picks up on it. But if this Fox News contributor attacked the Union pukes…..oh would we be hearing about this story.
Good to hear that Crowder is seeking legal action.