Where Is Hillary Clintons Medical Report?

FaintingHillary2WebCR-12_17_12A recounting of the entire Benghazi “investigation” and “full report” on it by
the BO administration reads more like a comedy skit than any serious

This linked column from the Daily Caller touches on just one part of it. Consider that it took over a month for the FBI to be allowed to enter what is USA sovereign territory, to
carry out a site inspection. During that time the Libyans could have built a
seven eleven on the site. Had the FBI instead put a tail on CNN reporters, they
could’ve gotten the ambassador’s diary, at least, since they (the reporters)
were on the scene immediately.

Of course, we were treated to the comedy routine of Susan Rice and various Admin
reps and spokespersons informing us that it was that dratted video that caused
it all.

And then, there was the pre dawn raid by a Sheriff’s armed SWAT team to arrest
the dastardly filmmaker who indirectly murdered our ambassador. This high risk
operation was pulled off flawlessly despite the fact that Seal Team Six wasn’t
available to conduct it.

Then, of course, we were going to get the real story through testimony from CIA
chief Petraeus, but, oops!, he was otherwise “occupied” and his “testimony” was
delayed until he “got it right”.

That brings us to the linked column’s topic, Hillary, and the really, really
straight story she was going to deliver. But, first, she had a wine tasting date
in Australia. For sure though, the American were, at last going to get the full
and complete story this week.

But, then, tragedy struck again. Hillary fall down and go boom. And, now we can
wait a little longer to find out what happened in Benghazi…or maybe we can
just settle for BO’s proffered narrative…the butler did it, in the ballroom,
with a candlestick.  DLH.

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One Response to Where Is Hillary Clintons Medical Report?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    It’s always something with this regime when trying ot get people to testify about what happened in Benghazi. I doubt we will ever know the truth (well we know what happened probably but the rest of America).

    Unfortunately these slime balls will probably wiggle off the hook now because of the Sandy Hook tragedy. All the focus in Washington is on this now and any further questioning of Benghazi will probably be met from Democrats with “why do you hate the children!!!!!”

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